Nat King Cole.
Nat King Cole Wikipedia https: //en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Nat_King_Cole
Any way, the God of the whole world upon the face of this earth, came into my “Locked & Bolted Government House” in 2008, he had been in the house in 1994, and he came into “My Dressing Room,” [my bedroom is also My Dressing Room!], where, he had been “Setting Me Up,” and this man, even watched me undressing in my bedroom, and he entered into (caught me in his snare!) My Body!”
Watched me undressing! I got the feeling that there was someone in the room, he, or it, was over there, so, I put my night dress over my head, and I took my clothes [not my underwear!] off, and, I put my nightdress on, so, he did not get to see anything!
I was once an Entertainer in the world, as well, however, in “The Dressing Rooms of World Clubs” I was not in the habit of changing my clothes in the presence of others!
In the World, the Easy Beats were once looking for a Singer, so I went over to their address, which I think was in the Western Suburbs(?) of Sydney, and I sang with the group, in a garage in the back yard, of what I believe was a member of the groups parents, Government House, they okayed me, and they gave me the job, but, I could not afford the clothes, and I did not have transport so, I did not go back for the work!
Cole Joy, Kevin Jacobson’s brother, offered me work as a “Composer of Music,” in about 1963, but he said the Record Company would take 80% of the Royalties, if one of my songs was recorded. I didn’t like that, so for that reason and another, I did not take the job, I think he offered me about $80 per week or fortnightly, and what I had to do, was just go up to his Studio at Glebe, which was just up the road from me, and spend time up their composing. I did not take the work, and I ended getting out on my own as a Singer, and finding a bit of work, doing this, and that, (I did sell Avon, and bit of Jewellery,and I also worked once for the Royal Easter Show, and I worked at the South Korean Trade Fair, I sort of did a bit of Public Relations type of work!) here and there!
I could have been a Prostitute, or a Stripper, the opportunities were there, or a Porn Star, or even a “Bare Breasted Singer” there was a lot of that work about, but it was not the type of thing that I wanted to do with my life!
Yes, and Female devil’s that I have met, since I met the God of the world upon the face of this earth, have told me, that it was him, the God of the world upon the face of this earth, who once crossed the Main Street, what ever the name of the main street in Kings Cross was, Darlinghurst Road(?) and said to me, as I, [a natural blonde at the time!] was all dressed up, standing in a lighted area [for my protection!] “How much?” I nearly died, and I said, “I am not one of those woman!” and then he went his way, and in 2008, the man is not only in my “Dressing Room” [My Bedroom] he has (caught me in his snare!) entered into my body, and I have since had to deal with that problem, and to this day, I am still, dealing with that problem!
One minute he can become this person, or that person, and he actually used himself as Charles Chaplain, as he tried to win me over, to work for him, but I did not accept that offer either!

E11MTJ Mar. 03, 1979 – This picture was run in the paper in 1979, but was actually taken on February 2nd, 1931. Adolph Hitler Speaks, Reichtag
We actually had a “Love Affair” “The God of the world” and I!
He actually “Loved Me” as, Pharaoh Thutmose III
However, “The Love Affair” had to come to an end, and I had to get on with my life!
It broke my heart to leave “the god of the world upon the face of this earth,” but I had to do it, and I cried, and cried, and cried for him, but, as I said, I had to get on with my life!
The Penalty for “Making Love” and having a “Love Affair” with “This Intruder!“ The Son of God(?) cast me into hell, and yet, I was only a “Victim of Crime” and I only did it because “He would “NOT STOP” “Touching my Private Part,” so, one day I said, “O Well, I may as well get bitten by the Serpent, to find an Anti Venine,” so I did it, and if I had not have done it, I could not have, as I can to this day, “RECOGNIZE” The God of the world upon this earth, when I see him!
The god of the world upon this earth, “Paramour’s People,” and he had actually been walking around within my body, well, I was in his snare, and I still am, and he was singing to me, [or he was playing a record of a song to me??] and the Song was “Autumn Leaves,” it could have been by Eric Clapton, or it may have been Nat King Cole, but if he was paramour-ing me, the song was not doing anything to me, because I had “Leaves All Over The Place” in the “Front Yard,” and, I had to rake them up, and put them somewhere!
Devil’s have since told me, that “People Just Make Love With Him,” and then they are put to death, he eats them alive, 1 Peter 5:8 however, I did not want to have sex with anyone, so, I decided to “Conduct a Medical Investigation,” and what I was interested in, was, what it was, that he was using, as “He Touched My Private Part,” so, I went along with this “Loving Relationship” with, the god of the world upon the face of this earth!
Now other devil’s have told me that the man who is the devil is cursed above all cattle and every beast of the field, so what he does to keep this curse off him, is keep his captive alive for as long as he can in his snare! He does wake the man his prisoner, and pour venom into the prisoner, and then he turns the prisoner’s mind off again. The venom that devil’s pour directly into the mind of their victim is Hatred & Lies etc, etc?? and they can even do this from out of the mouth of their prisoner, and they even walk around in your body as some type of creep, etc, etc, or Muscle man, etc, etc, and THEY LOVE THI-I-IS, and I have had to put up with this for years, they get around the place, in “Your Body” Sticking your middle finger up, saying things like, a-a-n-n-d even to “The Almighty God and his Son!” [They SAY the words!] “F You!’ “Up Your’s” etc, etc, etc, and they also call the Almighty God and His Son, Filthy & Foul Names!
My Dressing Room.
Trespassing is a Criminal Offence!
When the man who is the devil, god of the world upon this earth enters into your body, being “ONE” with Your body” Jn 10:30 he speaks to you from out of your own mouth! Do not speak to the man, it is an offence to speak with the devil. Now while the man who is the devil is within your body, he is “Reading Your Mind!”
We cannot go into the World’s Libraries and Breach Copyright Laws, and if we do, he the god of the world upon this earth, can execute judgments on us, so too can the Son of God, and so too, can The Almighty God! The devil, The Almighty God’s Property is “STILL, WITHIN MY BODY, READING MY MIND, WHILST BREACHING COPYRIGHT, AND PATENTING LAWS!
While I was “The Victim of Crime,” and “STILL AM” the devil, “The Perpertrator! ” WAS JUSTIFIED” and I “The Victim of Crime,” was turned into “The Offendor” and I was turned into hell, “The Perpetrator” was turned into “The Judge,” and The Son of God has actually let the devil’s hurt me, and “The Criminal Judge” has actually executed some “Criminal Judgments” on me as well, and he, “This Criminal Judge,” has been allowed to hurt me, himself, and so too, has “The Almighty God” hurt me [under his judgments!]
Now the devil is a, “Big Man” and as you can see by the mouth on, “Nat King Cole,” he, the devil, who has captured “Nat King Cole” has put his mouth, into his mouth, these “Big Devils” beat and bash people in the face, and they bite and rip pieces out of human flesh, and when the devil capture’s you “A Man” in his snare, he can bring a “Beautiful Women” into the snare, and he “Touches” your Private Part” and he has this “LOVE” that he uses to get you to fall in “LOVE” with the woman, now if you get involved with the devil, or any of his men, or women, it is the devil’s who will justified, and not you, and you will be condemned, and you will be beaten, and bashed, and bitten, and raped, to death, and you will be fleeced of your wealth, and your family!
Trespassing is a Criminal Offence!
We are not allowed to “TRESPASS” on other people’s property, including “Government Property” but here, you will see, that “The Almighty God’s Property” The Devil, God of the world upon this earth” was “Trespassing on My Property” he was “Trespassing on My Government Property” and he was not only trespassing, he was committing “Sexual Offences” against “My Person” and whilst “Reading My Mind” he is committing other offences, and, he can even see “The Nakedness” of my “THREE HUSBAND’S” in my mind!
Bruce Lee!

F6EX40 Dec 30, 1972; Hong Kong, CHINA; Legendary martial arts actor BRUCE LEE stars as Tang ‘Dragon’ Lung and CHUCK NORRIS as Colt in the Golden Harvest Company Ltd. action drama, ‘Return of the Dragon.’
The devil “CAN, AND DID” in my case, manifest in my body, and he flogged and flogged me as: Bruce Lee!
The Son of God(?) delivered me, a 65 year old woman, and “Victim of Crime” into the hands of “The Perpetrator” and “THE TRESPASSING DEVIL” an “AGITATOR” who provokes people to fight him, and even as, “The Heavy Weight Boxer Mohammed Ali ” even manifested in my body, as “Bruce Lee” and he “Flogged and Flogged” me, I think I was about 67 years old when that happened. I believe, that, because The Almighty God has got these devil’s hidden behind a “Veil of Invisibilty” and because they have so many Liberties, and because he Justifies them, these devil’s who even bash, and rape, little old women, get about the place acting as “BIG MEN!“
I won’t be justifying The Almighty God’s devil’s!
Now the devil told me that, “The Homosexual Community” belongs to him, [He also said that the Sex Industry belongs to him!] and he said that he only has to get a man to do it once with another man, and then he has got him. Now when you see these “Homosexual Men” getting about the place, looking Gay! They are Gay, they are “Very Happy Devils,” because they have captured men, in their snares, and these devil’s don’t engage in Homosexual Sex, they rape their prisoners with their “Vibrating Wires and Devices,” and they also commit acts of violence against their captives and they, being a “Sexually Sensationless” people, “Feel and Enjoy” human “Sexual Sensations” 24 hours a day, and should they “Feel a Beautiful Sexual Sensation in Your Body,” they will bash and beat you for having it, because they don’t have “Sexual Sensations!”
Now when you frequent “PROSTITUTE’S” these devil’s have camera’s, that you cannot see, all over the place, and they “Listen to, & Record” what is going on, in their “Sex Parlour’s,” and the “Prostitute’s” are in the devil’s snare’s, and when the devil has a prisoner in his snare, he can tune devil’s from all over this earth into his snare, “YOU ARE NOT ALONE” there are devil’s present, and even devil’s who might have eaten someone like i.e. some “Leader of a Nation,” a “Presidential Devil” could even be present in the Snare, and in the “Sex Parlour” while you are engaging in Sex with, The Prostitute!
A Judge!
I am “The Victim of Crime! ” and “NOT” the man who, in this case, has been “JUSTIFIED,” The Trespassing, & Sex Offending Devil!
What is happening now, & what has been happening since about the 29th March 2009 when I got up, and walked away, I have been getting tormented by these devil’s, and I have been “Knocked from Pillar to Post” and I have been Tripped Over, and Knocked Over, the devil backed a car into me, and he took my hand that I play the guitar with, and he bashed it on my wooden desk, and he swears at you, and abuses you from out of your own mouth, and he runs you down to the lowest, and he tells you that you are nothing, and that you are never going to be anyone, [These devil’s with their thousands and thousand’s of voices can speak as “ONE” person within “Your Mind!”] and this etc, etc, goes on, and on, and, the devil’s , who can chat as one person, or two persons, etc, chat away, and they tell you this, and they tell you that, but you cannot speak to them! I did tell the Almighty God, that if I speak, and even, in-advertently, I am speaking to him [You have to direct your speech to the Almighty God! The devil agitates you, and he can cause you to blow your top!] I am still in the devil’s snare, and, when you use the Toilet, they are there, and when you shower, they are there, and as you lay in your bed they are there, and he, become’s “ONE” with “Your body” and he puts “His (your) Hand” on Your Private Part, “Hoping Obviously” that I will engage in sex with him, which I will not! And, for this amount time, in “My Locked and Bolted Government House!” I have been trying not to think in my mind, because the devil’s in their thousand’s, can read your mind, even as you think, and I have tried to go silent! I think by now I have been walking around within my house “Trying Not To Speak” since that time, and I may have even, actually managed to get through twenty four hours of at least one day, throughout this time, “Without Saying a Word!” However I do keep myself occupied, and while the devil’s continue to “Sexually Molest” me, and at times drop the “F” word out of my mouth, something they want to do in public, [“They’ve got no chance!“] I STAY, at home, (I have been at home now for years, occupying myself in my room, and in my house, and yards!) while I am dealing with this person!] I ignore what they are doing, and I get on with my life!
Prayer’s and Time, are bringing these “Devil’s under Control!”
My Father, Ernest Edward Rout “A Male Nurse!”
Fortunately my Father who had a “Diploma in Nursing” worked at a “Mental Home” in the past, and as a result of him telling me lots of things about “Mental Patients” I knew how to deal, with these “Criminally Insane Devil’s” and, even with wounds from their bites, covering my arms, as they bit, and ripped, and tore, pieces of flesh from my arms! They even bit and ripped flesh from my biceps! I who “HAD TO REMAIN CALM” & without Medical Help, and or, Medication”s, throughout this ordeal, treated those wounds with Salty Water, and once or twice, with Bettadine. I did develop some type of ulcer on one of my legs years ago, and I think the devil was dropping something onto it, so I went out into the “Sweltering Heat” and exposed the ulcer, or what ever it was, to the sun, and it healed in no time!
As I said before, I am only “A Victim of Crime!” “The Devil, “The Almighty God’s Property” was “TRESPASSING” on, and within, “My Locked and Bolted Government Home” and he even “TRESPASSED in My Bedroom“ and as a result of this man’s “Trespassing, and even in my Bed“ Events took place that would “NOT“ have” Taken Place” had “The Almighty God” kept “His! Criminal Property” “Off and Out of” “My Locked & Bolted Government Property!“
As a Composer, I love my bible, and it is “The Word of God” that I chose to put to Music!
Music composed, played & (C) Copyright
by Noelene Joy Rout 7.52 pm 5th December 2012
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with I AM, ..
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was I AM THAT I AM.
I AM. The Word of God. I AM THAT I AM.
(C) NjRout 1.42am 12th September 2013
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with I A-AM, and the Word [the Word ] was I -I A..A..A..AM.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with I A-AM, and the Word [the Word ] was I -I A..A..A..AM.
He came down from heaven, he came down from I AM THAT I A-M,
He came from his Father, he came down.
He came down from heaven, he came down from I AM THAT I A-M,
He came from his Father, he came down.
I AM. The Word of God. I AM THAT I AM.
The man who is the devil, “PERSONALLY” introduced himself to me, before “My Full Length Mirror” in “My Bedroom,” as “JEHOVAH & JESUS CHRIST” the Jehovah, is the Jehovah, who is the head of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. [I am “NOT” and “NEVER WAS” a Jehovah’s Witness!]
Jesus Christ!
Jesus Christ1
1Jn 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
God is Light.
The King of all the Earth! Psalm 47:7
The King of all the Earth. Psalm 47:7
TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.43pm21stMarch2016 027
The Late: Reverend Charles Haydon Knapp!
Noelene, once daughter in-law of The Late: Reverend Charles Haydon Knapp!
Prayer’s Requested!
Almighty God in & through the name of your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS, Rev 19:13 -16 people from all around this earth, from various Christian Denominations, have been [hopefully! “PLEASE!“] praying for my protection, and deliverance, from [“Job 12:16 Exodus 22:5″] “YOUR TRESPASSING PROPERTY & OFFENDING PROPERTY” the devil, [& his demon’s, & their wires and devices] for over 9 years now, that is from the 29 October 2011 [at which point of time, “I was Actually Dying” as a result of the Beatings, and the Bashings, and the Bitings, and the Rapes, etc, etc, that “YOUR TRESPASSING PROPERTY THE DEVILS” were committing against me! ] to i.e. even this date, & I would like you, Almighty God, with whom nothing shall be impossible, & also, your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS Rev 19:13 -16 “to please” Read (i.e. in your mind?), & remember, those prayers” that have been prayed for, & are being prayed for me, & my family, [i.e. possibly as far back as to the fourth generation,] & for others by me, and others, & I would like you Almighty God, & your only begotten Son, to please “continually honour” those prayers,”throughout each day & each night” for the remaining years, of my life, & their lives, upon the face of this earth, & I would also like “TOTAL” healing, please, BECAUSE, IT WAS [“Job 12:16 Exodus 22:5″] “YOUR TRESPASSING PROPERTY” THE DEVIL/S, who, using the “Radio Communication System” that “YOU” [?I believe? Psalm 24:1 Luke 4:5,6,] gave him/them, some thousands of years ago, to use to run “YOUR” world upon this earth, THE GOD [‘s?] OF THE WHOLE WORLD THAT IS UPON THE FACE OF THIS EARTH, “UNLAWFULLY USED“, TO GAIN “UNLAWFUL, UNINVITED, & UNWANTED, ENTRY” INTO “MY LOCKED AND BOLTED GOVERNMENT HOME“, AND THEN INTO MY BEDROOM, AND THEN INTO MY BODY“, [The Temple of God, which had been studying “Your Words”, in the privacy of my home’s under the tuition of the anointing, the Holy Ghost & your Son for over 33 years! 1 Jn 2:27 John 14:26 John 6:27 ] where [“Job 12:16 Exodus 22:5″] “YOUR TRESPASSING PROPERTY THE DEVIL’S” “OFFENDED AGAINST, & HURT ME” an old widow, [“Exodus 22:22,23“] & I would like you, Almighty God, & your only begotten Son, to (as Optometrists do) Test & deal with my eyesight & “Protect My Home” & Look after This Website, & other of my Websites, my passwords, & Works, & Music “Please & Thank You,” and I would also like you to keep my “Phone/s, Internet, & the Computers, with “Their Necessary Upgrades & Updates“, “WORKING” & in “Perfect Working Order!” Please & Thank You! 9th June 2021
Prayers NEEDED! Plead for the widow. Isaiah 1:17
Widow “NEEDS PRAYER” & would like, “40 DAYS ( ++ PLUS! ++ ) PRAYER” to Almighty God, in & through the name of his only begotten Son, The Word of God, King of Kings & Lord of Lords, for protection & deliverance from evil, fires, & diseases, for herself, & for her SON, & DAUGHTER, & for her, The widow’s (!) GRAND SON’S, GRAND DAUGHTER’S, & her, The widow’s! Families, & Their Families, for “the remaining years of our lives upon this earth,“ Please & Thank You! 9th June 2021
Almighty God, in and through the name of your only begotten Son, the Word of God, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, please forgive us for our sins of the past, our sins of the present, and our sins of the future, until your Son, comes, and takes us out of our bodies, and into a state of existence, where, we cannot sin against you again. Noelene 9th June 2021
Thank “YOU” for “YOUR” prayers please.
Antennae & Camera’s found in Gigantic Cable of the Sun.
Webpage Copyright (C) by Noelene Joy Rout 9th June 2021
Any errors within any of my Webpages, Bibles Studies, Music, or Other Works are “Definitely Not Intentional”. Noelene Joy Rout. 9th June 2021
You do not have to reply to my page, & I don’t want to purchase anything. Thank You. Noelene.