The Movie.
The Sun.(C)NJRout.8.04am16thApril2022 028
Yehovah is my shepherd! From Psalm 23 [H3068 Yehovah] is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. [H3068 Yehovah] thou art with me; [H3068 Yehovah]! [H3068 Yehovah]! I will dwell in the house of the LORD [H3068 Yehovah] for ever. Yehovah is my shepherd! Music by Noelene Joy Rout. [H3068 Yehovah] is my shepherd; I [I] shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the [beside the] still waters. [H3068 Yehovah] thou art [thou art] with me; [H3068 Yehovah]! [H3068 Yehovah]! I will dwell in the house of the LORD [H3068 Yehovah] for ever. [H3068 Yehovah]! [H3068 Yehovah]! for ever! The Music! The Soviet Union's Ripper! Andrei Chikatilo! http://biblestudies-by-noelenejoy.com/index.php?p=1_235_The-Soviet-Union-s-Ripper-Andrei-Chikatilo http://biblestudies-by-noelenejoy.com/index.php?p=1_235_The-Soviet-Union-s-Ripper-Andrei-Chikatilo
In the year of 2008, with the use of “Electronical Wires & Devices” The man who is the devil, god of the whole world upon the face of this earth, entered into my home, & then he entered into my body, and “BEFORE A FULL LENGTH MIRROR! ” he “PERSONALLY” introduced himself to me as Jehovah, and later as Jesus Christ, a-an-n-d, when he turned on me, and was beating me, an old widow, and was bashing, and biting, and abusing me, and even, raping me with his vibrating wires and devices, he even identified himself to me, as the devil, and he shouted, “I AM THE DEVIL!”
Yes well, I was once married to an Anglican man, and his father was a Minister of the Anglican Church in England, and these people “Anglican’s” call The Son of God Jesus Christ, and they even call the Almighty God, Jehovah!
And it was this man’s son, who taught me the Hymn, “Guide me O thou Great Jehovah!”

Yehovah is my shepherd! Music by Noelene Joy Rout.
[H3068 Yehovah] is my shepherd; I [I] shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
he leadeth me beside the [beside the] still waters.
[H3068 Yehovah] thou art [thou art] with me;
[H3068 Yehovah]! [H3068 Yehovah]!
I will dwell in the house of the LORD [H3068 Yehovah] for ever.
[H3068 Yehovah]! [H3068 Yehovah]! for ever!
The Son of God, called me on the 12th December 1994, and he spoke scriptures to me, and he identified himself to me, with those scriptures, [which I later studied!] as “The Word of God,” and after that, I was drawn with “LOVE’ to follow him!
I recognize the man in the picture below “Jesus Christ”as the god of the world upon the face of this earth, the man who identified himself to me as: JEHOVAH!
He had a Jesus with him, but that Jesus looked somewhat different!

The man in the picture above is Lucifer!
This man in the picture below, at the top right hand, is Lucifer, and this man identified himself to me in this picture, and he said “I am Lucifer!”
Lucifer and his angels are a doleful people, and when he said that, or says that, there is a sad sound in his voice!

Buddha & Hindu God.
The god of the world on this earth offered me a ministry in India, on condition, I teach my Bible Studies over there, along with the Indian Faith, however, I refused the offer!
The God of the world upon this earth also manifested himself to me as: Buddha!