There are thousands of “Sexually Sensationless” male & female [people, men and women, angels, gods!] devils, with their own personalities within this earth, & when a person is born into the world, possessed of the devil, the indwelling male, or female devil/s, at that time, or later, decides, if it [or they] want/s to be male, or female.
These “Sexually Sensationless” devils, want to “Feel and Enjoy” human Sexual Sensations, so they will train up the child, their prisoner, in whom they dwell, in a manner, that keeps the person [as their prisoner.] in a state of sin, that way, they have access to the [“Sexual Sensations”] private parts, of their prisoner.
From the time a baby is born into the world, the indwelling devil starts “unseen & unheard to human eyes” training up the child. And ….. The devil tells lies. John 8:44.
Psa 58:3 The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.
Psa 58:4 Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear;
Psa 58:5 Which will not hearken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely.
When meeting the devil, [The Jehovah] in 2008 he asked me to “listen IN!” In other words he wanted me to listen “inside of my mind” it was hard to do, because I was always thinking, however, one day I managed to listen “IN” to my mind, and I actually heard, and recognized the voice of the Jehovah, speaking to me inside of my mind!
The Jehovah was able to talk to, and sing to me within my mind, play sounds, and recordings in my mind, and show me, still, and or moving, and black and white, or coloured pictures, and footages, within my mind, and he could even reduce, or enlarge, the sizes of the pictures.
The Jehovah, with the use of “Electronic Devices” made himself “ONE” with my body. i.e. John 10:30 and any one, or more, of his men, and or women, or both sexes, was/were able to “walk and talk” within me, as “ONE” person, with my body. These people unite as “ONE” i.e. John 10:30 and when they are “ONE” they can all “think and speak with their thousands of voices into your mind” as “ONE person” upon “ONE VOICE!” So, when they speak together within your mind, [providing “the” devil does not tune one, or more, of the devil’s out!] you hear the thousands of men, and women, speaking the same things together, at the same time, as “ONE Person” within the depths of your mind.
Within the body of a demon possessed person, any demon, i.e. a man, or a woman, can tune into the body of that person, and wander about the place as the possessed person is getting about his, or her life, and within an instant, that demon can be tuned out of the body, and another demon, can be tuned into the body of the person, and all demon’s can be tuned into the body of the person, at the same time, or two, or three, etc, etc, etc,
Demon’s sometimes change bodies. The departing demon might not like the person it is indwelling, and it might want to live in the body of another person. They make choices. They might want to live in the educated person, or the entertainer, or so on, etc, etc, and, it might not want to live within the body of a particular person, who has lots of sins being visited upon it, as a result of the sins of its father.
What ever sex you are born, male or female, that is what sex you are, it is the spirit within you, for it’s own reasons, or for another spirit, or spirits reasons, or even for an human person’s reasons, who is trying to lead you, in another direction.
Prayers NEEDED!
Please ask The LORD God Almighty, in and through, the name of his only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS, to forgive Chastity, and others like her, for every sin that they have ever committed, are committing, and ever commit, and please “totally heal them” and please “TOTALLY, and PERMANENTLY, deliver them, from the devil’s.” Noelene Joy Rout 11.34pm 22nd August 2015
And please ask The LORD God Almighty in and through, the name of his only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS, to Have mercy upon, and save the souls of, Bree & Jeremiah, and his brothers, and sisters, and their father, and their grandfather, and the others, and David & Nanny & Amy, and theirs.