Earth Science. Biblical.
I AM THAT I AM loves me. John 3:16
The Earth was cut up.
Copyright (C) by Noelene Rout 3rd November 2006
All rights reserved.
Thou didst cleave the earth with rivers. Habakkuk 3:9
Thou didst [baqa..to (cleave), (to) cleave asunder, (to) be cleft (asunder), to become cleft, cut, (cut, cutteth) out, rip (up), be ripped up, (to) rend, rend asunder, (be) rent, (asunder), hatch, open, tear, divide, be divided, break (through, into, forth, out, up, into pieces), be broken (up, in pieces), be ready to burst, (make a, be made) breach, win. Interlinear. Split.] cleave the [erets..earth freq. land freq. field, ground, country, them that dwell in a country, nation, common, world, way.] earth with [nahar..stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity.] rivers. Hab 3:9
Thou didst cleave the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was cleaved..The earth was cleaved asunder..Thou didst cleft asunder the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was cleft..Thou didst cut the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was cut..Thou did cut out the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was cut out..Thou dist rip the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was ripped..Thou didst rip up the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was ripped up..Thou didst rend the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was rent..Thou didst rend asunder the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was rent asunder..Thou didst hatch the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was hatched..Thou didst open the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was opened..Thou didst tear the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was torn..Thou didst divide the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was divided..Thou didst break the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was broken..Thou didst break through (into) the earth the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was broken into..Thou didst break out the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity.. Earth was broken out from the earth..Thou didst break up the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was broken up..Thou didst break into pieces the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was broken into pieces..Thou didst be broken up the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was broken up..Thou didst break in pieces the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was broken in pieces..Thou didst be ready to burst the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..The earth was ready to burst..Thou didst make a breach the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..Thou didst be made a breach the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity..Thou didst win the earth with stream, river, the Nile, Euphrates, flood, the sea, prosperity.
The earth was cleaved..The earth was cleaved asunder..The earth was cleft..The earth was cut..The earth was cut out..The earth was ripped..The earth was ripped up..The earth was rent..The earth was rent asunder..The earth was hatched..The earth was opened..The earth was torn..The earth was divided..The earth was broken..The earth was broken into..Earth was broken from the earth..The earth was broken up..The earth was broken into pieces..The earth was ready to burst.
Prayers NEEDED!
Please ask The LORD God Almighty, in & through, the name of his only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING of KINGS & LORD of LORDS, to please have mercy upon, & please forgive Chastity, & others like her, the two Debbie’s, Bree, Jeremiah, his brothers, & sisters, their father, their grandfather, & the others, & David, Nanny, Amy, & theirs, & Ahmed, Bryan, Tracy, Daniel, Imogen, the baby, & myself, for every sin that I, & that they, have ever committed, are committing, & ever commit, 1 John 1:9 until you, saving the soul, or souls of all of us, or some of us, or one of us, come & take us, or some of us, or even one of us, to your Kingdom, & please “totally heal myself, & them” & please, instantly, & “TOTALLY, & PERMANENTLY, remove the wires, & the devices, & the devils.
Noelene Joy Rout 12.42am 28th September 2015