Accurate! Not Accurate!


Bible&StrongsConcordance. (C) NjRout21stMay2014.Small


Not Accurate!

It stands to reason, that because I study [A wide variety of subjects, including the Bible.] the Sciences and Physics, and because “I am only learning about the Sciences and Physics, and The Sun” there will be errors within my works, however, Any errors within any of my Bible Studies or other works are Definitely Not Intentional.
Noelene Joy Rout 5.17 pm 28th September 2015


Prayers NEEDED!

Please ask The LORD God Almighty, in & through, the name of his only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING of KINGS & LORD of LORDS, to please have mercy upon, & please forgive Chastity, & others like her, the two Debbie’s, Bree, Jeremiah, his brothers, & sisters, their father, their grandfather, & the others, & David, Nanny, Amy, & theirs, & Ahmed, Bryan, Tracy, Daniel, Imogen, the baby, & myself, for every sin that I, & that they, have ever committed, are committing, & ever commit, 1 John 1:9 until you, saving the soul, or souls of all of us, or some of us, or one of us, come & take us, or some of us, or even one of us, to your Kingdom, & please “totally heal myself, & them” & please, instantly, & “TOTALLY, & PERMANENTLY, remove the wires, & the devices, & the devils.

Noelene Joy Rout 2.26pm 25th September 2015


Prayers NEEDED!



You do not have to reply to my page, & I don’t want to purchase anything. Thank You. Noelene.