NEEDLE STICKER! * I Am The Way! * The Royal Majesty! * Praise ye The LORD!




Needle Sticker! (C) NJrout 2012


I am the way.

Music composed, played & (C) Noelene Joy Rout

23rd May 2012 All rights reserved.

I am the way, [I am] the truth, and the life: [I am the way, the truth, and .. life: ] none can come to the Father, but by me. [I am the way, the truth,] and the life:

The Holy Bible John 14:6

I am the way!


I go unto my Father.

Joh 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you,

Joh 14:28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go the Father: for my Father is greater than I.


Joh 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that belie-veth on me, the works / that I do shall he /do also; a-and grea-eater works than these shall he do; / because I go unto-o my-y Father. Joh 14:28 for my Father is greater than I.


Joh 14:12 Verily, verily, I sa-ay unto you, He that believeth on me, the works/  that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because / I go unto my Father. Joh 14:28 ..I go away, and come again u-unto you.


I go unto my Father!


Psa 47:7 .. The Supreme God is the [Royal] King of all the earth:


Antennae&CamerasinCableofTheSun.A.Gungahlin.ACT.Sun.(C)NjRout9.02am13thFeb2017 126.Psalm 84.11.Isa 1.17.Bible.

The Royal Majesty,
The Almighty Supreme God, Possessor and Creator of heaven and Earth, I AM THAT I AM, The Great King, [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])], The God of the whole earth.

The Movie.


Cables of: The Royal Majesty, The Almighty Supreme God, Possessor and Creator of heaven and Earth, I AM THAT I AM, The Great King, [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])], The God of the whole earth’s, Gigantic Sun.


CablesofTheSun.TheSun.(C)NjRout4.30pm24thDec2015 007

CablesofTheSun.TheSun.(C)NjRout4.30pm24thDec2015 007

Gigantic Cables of The Royal Majesty’s Sun.

GiganticCablesofTheRoyalMajestysSun.TheSun.(C)NjRout4.30pm24thDec2015 013

GiganticCablesofTheRoyalMajestysSun.TheSun.(C)NjRout4.30pm24thDec2015 013


Antennae & Camera’s in Cable of The Royal Majesty’s Sun.

Antennae&CamerasinCableofTheSun.TheSun.(C)NjRout4.30pm24thDec2015 013

Antennae&CamerasinCableofTheSun.TheSun.(C)NjRout4.30pm24thDec2015 013


Antenae&CameraBearingCablesAttachedtoTheSun.Sun.WhiteLine.Cable.Coins.(C)NjRout8.07am3rdJan2014 013 Antennae&Cameras.PraiseyeTheLORD.

Antenae&CameraBearingCablesAttachedtoTheSun.Sun.WhiteLine.Cable.Coins.(C)NjRout8.07am3rdJan2014 013 Antennae&Cameras.PraiseyeTheLORD.


“Praise ye the LORD.” Ps150.Allegro by Noelene.



Psa 150:1 Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD. in his sanctuary:

Psa 150:1,6.1 Praise ye the LORD. .. Let every thing Praise God.


“Praise ye the LORD.”


Antennae & Camera’s in Cable of The Royal Majesty’s Sun.

Antennae&CamerasinSun’sCable.3.SunAfternoonof27thNov(C)NjRout11.12am28thNov2013 006 Antennae&CamerasOperatingoverACT

Antennae&CamerasinSun'sCable.3.SunAfternoonof27thNov(C)NjRout11.12am28thNov2013 006 Antennae&CamerasOperatingoverACT


Antennae&CamerasinMassiveCableofTheLORDGodAlmightysGiganticSun.TheSun.(C)NjRout7.22am15thNov2015 026

Antennae&CamerasinMassiveCableofTheLORDGodAlmightysGiganticSun.TheSun.(C)NjRout7.22am15thNov2015 026


PraiseyetheLORD.Praiseye[([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])].
Music Composed & Copyright(C)NjRout.3.17pm5thNov2015


Psa 150:1 Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])].

Psa 149:1 Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])].

Psa 148:4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters .. above the heavens.

Psa 150:1 Praise .. the LORD. Praise .. [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])].


Psa 150:1 Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])].

Psa 149:1 Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])].

Psa 149:5 Let the saints be / joyful in glory-y: / let them sing / aloud upon / their beds.

Psa 149:5 Let ..them .. Praise .. [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])].


Psa 150:1 Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])].

Psa 149:1 Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])].

Psa 150:1,6 Praise ye the LORD. .. Let every thing that ha-ath breath praise [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])].

Psa 150:1 Praise ye the LORD. Psa 150:1 Praise [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])].


Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])].


Antennae & Camera’s in Cable of The Royal Majesty’s Sun.

CableofSunOppositesideofEllipseToFilm.009.3.TheSun.(C)NjRout7.22am15thNov2015 025

Antennae&CamerasinMassiveCableofTheLORDGodAlmightysGiganticSun.2.TheSun.(C)NjRout7.22am15thNov2015 025 LIBERTY!


Praise the LORD from the earth.



Psa 148:7 Praise the LORD from the earth, .. Psa 148:2 Praise ye him, .. his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts. Psa 148:7 Praise the LOR-ORD..

Psa 148:13 Let them praise the name of [([(Yehôvâh)])]: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth [is above the earth] and heaven.


Psa 148:7 Praise the LORD from the earth, .. Psa 148:2 Praise ye him, .. his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts. Psa 148:7 Praise the LORD..

Psa 148:11 Kings of the earth, and all people; princes, and all ju-udges o-of the earth:

Psa 148:12 Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children:

Psa 148:13 Let them praise .. the LORD:


Praise the LORD from the earth.



TheSun.(C)NjRout7.22am15thNov2015 025.Cables&Antennae.

The Movie.


Antennae&CamerasinCableofTheRoyalMajestysGiganticSun.TheSun.(C)NjRout7.22am15thNov2015 025.Cables&Antennae.

Antennae&CamerasinCableofTheRoyalMajestysGiganticSun.TheSun.(C)NjRout7.22am15thNov2015 025.Cables&Antennae.


LORD hear my voice.


Words put the music 25th April


Psa 130:2 Lord, hear my voice: / let thine ears be / attentive to /the voice of my /[the voice of my ] supplications.

Psa 130:2 Lord, hear my voice: / let thine ears [hear. Psa 20:1]


Psa 130:7 Let Israel hope /[hope] in the LORD: / for with the LORD / there is mercy, /

Psa 130:6 My soul waiteth / Psa 130:5 .. wait [s] for the LORD, Psa 130:5 .. and in his word [his word ] .. I hope.


Psa 130:8 .. he shall redeem Isra-el .. from / iniquities. / from all his [H5771] sins.

Psa 130:4 But the-ere is/ forgiveness with / thee, that thou mayest [may] be feared


LORD hear my voice. Strongs.[H3068] LORD.

The Music.

Gigantic Cables of The Royal Majesty’s Gigantic Sun.

CablesGigantic.3.SunMonday(C)NjRout8.42pm15thDec2014 051

CablesGigantic.3.SunMonday(C)NjRout8.42pm15thDec2014 051


How precious are thy thoughts.
Copyright (C) Noelene Joy Rout 8.08pm 2015


I …………A…………M / I…………A…………M


Ho-ow precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God!

ho-ow great / is the sum of them! How precious .. are / thy-y thou-oughts unto me


I………..A…………M / I…………A…………M


Ho-ow precious .. are thy thoughts .. to me, .. ho-ow grea–eat is the sum /
Ho-ow precious .. are thy thoughts to me .. / ho-ow grea-eat is the sum.


I………..A…………M / I…………A…………M / I……A……M.

The Holy Bible. Psalm 139:17


How precious are thy thoughts.


Psa 139:18 If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.


Antennae & Camera’s in Cables Massive of The Royal Majesty’s Sun.

Antenae&CamerasinGiganticCableofTheSun.TheSun.(C)NjRout9.04pm2ndNovember2015 026


Antenae&CamerasinGiganticCableofTheSun.TheSun.(C)NjRout9.04pm2ndNovember2015 026


The LORD is my strength and my shield;

Music composed (C) & Played NjRout

29th August 2013


The LORD is my strength and my shield;

The LORD is the strength of my life;

The LORD is my rock,

The LORD is my .. song,

The [er ] LO -ORD is my God.


Psa 28:7 Psa 27:1 2Sa 22:2 Exo 15:2 Zec 13:9


The LORD is my strength and my shield;


Gigantic Cable of The Royal Majesty’s Sun.

TheSun.(C)NjRout7.40pm24thNov2015 163 EarthWhirlingtakingSpiralStepsthroughSpace.


TheSun.(C)NjRout7.40pm24thNov2015 163 EarthWhirlingtakingSpiralStepsthroughSpace.




Lay me down in peace.

Music composed, played & (C) by Noelene Joy Rout 29th August 2013


Hear me when I call, sustain me O LORD

Lay me down in peace, O LORD

And make me dwell safely.



Lay me down in peace.

TheSun.(C)NjRout7.40pm24thNov2015 163 EarthWhirlingtakingSpiralStepsthroughSpace.

The Movie.


Gigantic Cable of The Royal Majesty’s Sun

CableofTheSun.TheSun(C)NjRout6pm8thNov2015 045 CableofTheSun.


CableofTheSun.TheSun(C)NjRout6pm8thNov2015 045 CableofTheSun.


Gigantic Cable of The Royal Majesty’s Sun

TheSun(C)NjRout6pm8thNov2015 045 CableofTheSun.

The Movie.


Gungahlin.ACT.Sun.(C)NjRout9.02am13thFeb2017 126

Thank “YOU” for “YOUR” prayers, please.


Ocular Evidence. Prayers NEEDED!


Almighty God in & through the name of your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS, Rev 19:13 -16 people from all around this earth, from various Christian Denominations, have been [hopefully!] praying for my protection, and deliverance, from the devil, [& his demon’s, & their wires and devices] for over 7 years now, that is from the 29 October 2011 to i.e. even this date, & I would like you, Almighty God, with whom nothing shall be impossible, & also, your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS Rev 19:13 -16 “to pleaseperiodically, read (i.e. in your mind?), & or remember, those prayers” that have been prayed for me, [i.e. possibly as far back as to the fourth generation,] & or over me, & that “are” being prayed for me, or over me, & or, for others by me, and others, & I would like you Almighty God, & your only begotten Son, to please remember & “continually honour” those prayers, “here & there” “throughout each day & each night” for the remaining years, of my life, & their lives, upon the face of this earth, & I would also like TOTALhealing, please, & I would like you, Almighty God, & your only begotten Son, to Look after This Website, & other of my Websites, & Works, & Music “Please & Thank You,” and I would also like you to keep my “Phone/s, Internet, & the Computers, Working, & in “Perfect Working Order!Please & Thank you. Noelene. 2.49pm 11th November 2019


Prayers NEEDED!

Antennae & Camera’s found in Gigantic Cable of the Sun.


You do not have to reply to my page, & I don’t want to purchase anything. Thank You. Noelene.
