SUN! The Sun! “CABLE OF THE SUN!” Eye Damage! The Sun Spraying! Solids & Coins from the Sun! Antennae & Camera’s in Cables of The Sun. MESSIAH!



Click pictures twice to see: THE LARGER PICTURE’S!


The.Sun.(C)NjRout5.59pm13thMarch2018 003


The.Sun.(C)NjRout5.59pm13thMarch2018 003

The Movie.


Sun&Shield.TheSun.(C)5.58pmNjRout14thMarch2018 003


TheSun.(C)5.58pmNjRout14thMarch2018 003

The Movie.


Psa 98:1 A Psalm. O sing unto the LORD a new song;

Sing unto the LORD.

Copyright (C) NjRout 2.43pm3rdApril2014

Psa 149:1 Sing unto the LORD

Psa 149:1 Praise ye the LORD
Psa 148:3 Praise ye him, sun a-nd moon:

Psa 148:2 Praise .. him, all his angels:
Psa 148:7 Praise the LORD

Psa 83:18 whose name .. is Yehôvâh.
Psa 83:18 most high ..(of)..the earth.

Psa 148:7 Praise the LORD

Psa 148:7 Praise the LORD



Song for Elohi, of Mark 15:34 & H415

Copyright (C) Noelene Joy Rout 26th June 2013


Elohi. Elohi.


Psa 55:23 I will trust in thee. Psa 69:1 Save me, Elohi.
Psa 54:6 I will praise thy name, Elohi.


Elohi. Elohi.


Psa 61:2 From the end of .. earth will I cry thee,
Psa 54:2 Hear my prayer, O God; Elohi.


Song for Elohi, of Mark 15:34 & H415


Godislight.InmyKitchen!SunriseintheACT.Gungahlin(C)NjRout9.02am13thFeb2017-126The Movie.


Now what I wanted to know, was whether or not, Members of the Human Race, could see the Invisible Cables of the sun on a clear day, so I did a bit of testing, and I found that they can, however, it will be Scientists who help people see the Invisible Cables of the Sun, and they will have to find a way to do it, so that people can look at the sun without experiencing “Eye Damage.” The Lord God Almighty is watering the hills from his chambers, and he is also using his “mist and solids” to abrade and polish His earth! Scientists will also have to consider, how people will be able to look at the sun, or “the images” they produce of the sun, and its Antennae & Camera bearing Cables, without a coin, or a tiny solid entering into, and damaging someone’s eye, or a ray of the sun, entering into, and piercing, and burning, someone’s eye.


Coins & Solids sprayed out into the atmosphere, from the Sun.


Coins from the Sun.




The Movie.


However, I ask The LORD God Almighty through his only begotten Son, The Word of God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, for their permission to film The LORD God Almighty’s sun, and take photographs of His Sun, for educational reasons, and recently, for the purpose of “showing people where The LORD God Almighty is!”


Psa 84:11 .. [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])] The Supreme God is a sun and shield: [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])] will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.


October 26, 2013


Eye Damage!

Filming the sun is dangerous, and people who film the sun, can suffer eye damage. When I started studying the sun, “I did not know” that the Sun was continually spraying mist, and coins, and solids, into space, and over the years, I have suffered some eye damage, as a result of studying the sun. The damage is not serious, but it is there!


I am only learning about the Sun, so, I don’t know everything, however, I think these tiny coins, are the eyes of the LORD, I think they are tiny camera’s all over the earth, and I think the LORD God Almighty uses these tiny (camera’s) eyes, and also his Antennae and Camera’s in the Cables that are above and beneath his sun to see, all over the earth, and into the earth, and into the sea, and even into human bodies, and into the bodies of other forms of life upon this earth.


Psa 139:15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

Psa 139:16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.


March 13, 2016


TheSunSpraying.Sun.(C)NjRout5.59pm13thMarch2018 014


TheSunSpraying.Sun.(C)NjRout5.59pm13thMarch2018 014.Graph.Landscape.


The Sun Spraying!

Sun(C)NjRout7.45pm19thDec2013 039 Mist&CoinRelease.

A Movie.


The Sun Spraying!

Sun the Sun (C) 1.14pm NJRout6thApril2013 039 SunSprayingMist.

A Movie.


The Sun!

Sun&CableinMyDiningRoom.Sun.(C)NjRout5.59pm13thMarch2018 009


Sun.(C)NjRout5.59pm13thMarch2018 009

The Movie.


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Antennae&CamerasinCableofThe.3.Sun.(C)NjRout5.59pm13thMarch2018 032


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Antennae&CamerasinCableofThe.6.Sun.(C)NjRout5.59pm13thMarch2018 032


CableofThe.Sun.(C)NjRout5.59pm13thMarch2018 034






King of Glory.

My High Tower.

Music composed, played & Copyright (C) N j Rout

8.18pm 16th October 2013


King of glory, strong and mighty, LORD

My high tower, deliverer, my fortress, and my shield, [my shield.]

I AM THAT I AM, My Maker, My God, My King, & LORD. [My LORD.]


King of Glory.


Joh 5:23 .. all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.


Yehôshûa‛ Yehôshûa‛ said that he was The Messiah. John 4:25,26

Yehôshûa‛ Yehôshûa‛ [G5547 anointed, that’s, the Messiah,] / Yehôshûa‛ anointed, the Messiah

[YEHôSHûA‛ YEHôSHûA‛ anointed, the Messiah] G2424 ..Of Hebrew origin [H3091] H3442 [(ישׁוּע yêshûa‛ yah-shoo’-ah)] For H3091; he will save;] (The name G2424 is of Hebrew origin, and the name G2424 is from yehôshûa‛ yehôshûa‛ , which is from H3068 & H3467). H3068 [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])]. H3467 [(ישׁע yâsha‛ yaw-shah’)]).


Yehôshûa‛ Yehôshûa‛ the anointed Messiah.

Yêshûa‛ the anointed Messiah.


Joh 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called the anointed Messiah: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

Joh 4:26 Yeshua saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.



Music Copyright (C) Noelene Joy Rout 4th December 2012

Words Copyright (C) by Noelene Joy Rout 17th March 2013


Anointed MESSIAH!

Begotten Son of I AM.

Anointed of God.



The Word of God.[Jn 1:1,2,14]

Anointed of God.[Jn 6:27]




Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Joh 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.

Joh 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.




Antennae coming down.

SunCableCloud(C)NjRout4.12pm27thNov2013 016 Antennae&CameracontainingCablesovermyrooftoday. 016

The Movie.


I AM. The Word of God. I AM THAT I AM.

(C) NjRout 1.42am 12th September 2013



In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with I A-AM, and the Word [the Word ] was I -I A..A..A..AM.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with I A-AM, and the Word [the Word ] was I -I A..A..A..AM.



He came down from heaven, he came down from I AM THAT I A-M,

He came from his Father, he came down.


He came down from heaven, he came down from I AM THAT I A-M,

He came from his Father, he came down.



I AM. The Word of God. I AM THAT I AM.





ElectronicsWiresPiping&DevicesofTheSun.Sunrise.(C)NjRout12mid7thApril2017 025




CableofTheSun_1_TheSun_(C)NjRout_7_43pm21stMarch2016-027.Isa 66.1




Praise ye the LORD.

Music composed, played & (C) NjRout 6th Oct 2013

Scriptures put to Music 26th December 2013

Psa 146:1 Praise ye the LORD. Psa 37:28 his saints.

Psa 146:6 Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all .. therein

Psa 136:7 [Praise] him that made great lights:


Psa 136:9 The moon and stars to rule by night:

Psa 136:8 The sun to rule by day:


Psa 136:9 The moon and stars to rule by night:

Psa 136:8 The sun to rule by day:


Praise ye the LORD.


God is Light 1 John 1:5 in My Kitchen!

GodisLight.Light.(C)NjRout17thNov2016 005

God is Light in My Kitchen!


God of gods, LORD God of gods, Lord God Almighty.

Music composed, played & (C) by Noelene Joy Rout

7.45pm 13th March 2014

Words put to the music evening of 13th March 2013


Psa 146:10 The LORD shall reign for e-ever,

Rev 4:8 Holy, holy, holy, The Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

Rev 15:3 Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almi [-i]ghty;

Rev 15:3 King of saints. Almi [-i]ghty, Isa 47:4 .. the LORD of hosts Ex 15:2 my God.


Rev 11:17 We give thee thanks, Almi [-i]ghty

Rev 15:3 just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. Almi [-i]ghty

Isa 47:4 Redee-eemer, Psa 83:18 most high,

Deu 10:17 .. God of gods, Jos 22:22 ..LORD God of gods,

Rev 4:8 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, /and is, and is to come.

God of gods, LORD God of gods, Lord God Almighty.


Antennae&CamerasinGiganticCableofTheSun.SunMarch(C)NjRout5.52pm17thMarch2014 040 SunSpraying.Cables.




The Sun Spraying.






The Movie.




Sun.(C)NjRout5.59pm13thMarch2018 032

The Movie.


The Sun releasing coins.



Coin from the Sun.



The Sun releasing coins.

SuntheSun(C)NjRout7.45pm29thDec2013 033 Sun&Cables.T.O.

The Movie.


In the bible, the sun is also referred to  as, “A Notched Battlement.”

Psa 84:11 For [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])] The Supreme God is a notched battlement and shield: [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])] will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

Antennae&CamerasinCableofThe.1.Sun.(C)NjRout5.59pm13thMarch2018 021




The SunColoredRayCableswithLiquid.(C) NJRout11.49am6thApril2013 011

The Movie.


Mat 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall [G154 crave, desire, require, ask, call for, beg. ] ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.


If ye shall ask anything.

Music composed and (C) by NjRout 11.44am 1st October 2013


Joh 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

Joh 14:15 If ye love me, keep my laws.

Joh 14:6 .. I am the way, the truth, and life:


Heb 7:25 ..come God by the way, by the truth, and by the life:

Joh 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.


If ye shall ask anything.


I am the way.

Music composed, played & (C) Noelene Joy Rout

23rd May 2012 All rights reserved.

I am the way, [I am] the truth, and the life: [I am the way, the truth, and .. life: ] none can come to the Father, but by me. [I am the way, the truth,] and the life:

The Holy Bible John 14:6
I am the way.


Sing unto God.

Music composed, played & copyright (C) Noelene Joy Rout

6.16pm 7th September 2013


Sing the LORD, .. ye saints of his, Psa 30:4


Sing praises to his name: Psa 68:4


Sing unto God, [ye saints of his,] give thanks unto his name: Psa 68:4 Psalm 140:13


..The LORD [The LORD] Let God be magnified. Psa 40:16 Psalm 70:4


..The LORD [The LORD] Let God be magnified. Psa 40:16 Psalm 70:4


Sing unto God.



Prayers NEEDED!

Almighty God in & through the name of your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS, Rev 19:13 -16 people from all around this earth, from various Christian Denominations, have been praying for my protection, and deliverance, from the devil, [and his demon’s, and their wires and devices] for over 6 years  & 9 months now, that is from the 29 October 2010 to i.e. even this date, and I would like you, Almighty God, with whom nothing shall be impossible, and also, your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS Rev 19:13 -16 “to please” periodically, read (i.e. in your mind?), and or remember,” those prayers” that have been prayed for me, [i.e. possibly as far back as to the fourth generation,] & or over me, and that “are” being prayed for me, or over me, and or, for others by me, and I would like you Almighty God and your only begotten Son, to please remember & “continually honour” those prayers, “here and there” “throughout each day and each night” for the remaining years, of my life, and their lives, upon the face of this earth, and I would also like “TOTAL” healing, please, and I would like you, Almighty God,  and your only begotten Son, to Look after This Website, and other of my Websites, and Works, and Music “Please and Thank You. “Noelene.” 12.49 pm 29th October 2018 [I started called for these prayers, when “I was depressed, and very weak, and actually dyingas a result of the devil coming into my locked premises, and repeatedly  hurting me, and that is “possibly” on, the 29th Of October 2011, about one month, after the death, of one of my older brothers. [Another one of my brother’s who was 15 months younger than him had died in September of 2010.]

Antennae & Camera’s found in Gigantic Cable of the Sun.


Any errors within any of my Bible Studies or other works are “Definitely Not” intentional.


You do not have to reply to my page, & I don’t want to purchase anything. Thank You. Noelene.

