Criminal Offences involving Trespassing, Rape, Mass Rape, Violence, Theft, Extortion, & Murder! etc, etc,



God is Light! In my kitchen!

Light.(C)NjRout17thNov2016 005

The Movie!


The “Armed with Weapons” devil, god of the whole world upon the face of this earth,  “Trespassing” on, &  within my “Locked & Bolted Government House & Property”  gained “Unlawful & Unwanted”entry into [“The Temple of God”] my body, on the night of the 6th May 2008.

Addition Below! 21st July 2020

To gain “ENTRY” into my “Locked & Bolted Government House & Property” & my body “The Temple of God” the devil, god of the whole world upon this earth, used what I believe was, ‘The Radio Communication System” [or one like it?] that is mentioned in Luke 4:5,6

Now the devil “DID NOT” come into my house to cast me into prison, Revelation 2:10 he told me that came to Canberra, which is “The Capital Territory of Australia” to “KILL” three people. He came to kill two of my older brothers, and myself. He managed to murder, in his deceitful ways, my two older brothers, one I loved very much, and then he endeavoured for years,  and is still endeavouring to “MURDER” me, [an old widow. Exodus 22:22-24] and he wanted my Bible Studies, “IN HIS, SALVATION ARMY” The Salvation Army belongs to The Devil!

Now I was the “Victim of Crime” and the devil is “The Perpetrator” now what happened was, in this case, somehow, I was turned into the Perpetrator, and The Devil, a murderer and liar John 8:44 who “UNLAWFULLY” entered into my body, was turned into the “JUDGE” and then this “UNJUST” [2 Samuel 23:3] “Person” has been allowed to Commit Criminal Offences against me, and also other’s by reading the contents of my “Elderly Mind” which includes over 33 years of “My Personal Bible Studies” and then, execute “UNJUST” judgments upon me for sins that were forgiven, [1 John 1:9] and then, he made up False Cases and proceeded to execute “Criminal Judgments” on me for those False Cases!



Fist a weapon! G4435 [(πυγμή pugmē poog-may’)] From a primary word, [(πύζ pux,)] (the fist as a weapon); the clenched hand, that is, (only in the dative case as adverb) with the fist (hard scrubbing): – oft.

Tooth. H4973 [(מתלּעה methalle‛âh meth-al-leh-aw’)] Contracted from H3216; properly a biter, that is, a tooth: – cheek (jaw) tooth, jaw.

H7161 [(קרן qeren keh’-ren)] From H7160; a horn (as projecting); by implication a flask, cornet; by resemblance an elephant’s tooth (that is, ivory), a corner (of the altar), a peak (of a mountain), a ray (of light); figuratively power: – X hill, horn. [H8143 Tusk!]

H7161 [(קרן qeren keh’-ren)] From H7160; a horn (as projecting); by implication a flask, cornet; by resemblance an elephant’s tooth (that is, ivory), a corner (of the altar), a peak (of a mountain), a ray (of light); figuratively power: – X hill, horn.

Tooth H8127 [(שׁן shên shane’)] From H8150; a tooth (as sharp); specifically (for H8143) ivory; figuratively a cliff: – crag, X forefront, ivory, X sharp, tooth. [Tooth. H8128]

H8150 [(שׁנן shânan shaw-nan’)] A primitive root; to point (transitively or intransitively); intensively to pierce; figuratively to inculcate: – prick, sharp (-en), teach diligently, whet.

Tooth. G3599 [(ὀδούς odous od-ooce)] Perhaps from the base of G2068; a “tooth”: – tooth.

Gore. H5055 [(נגח nâgach naw-gakh’)] A primitive root; to but with the horns; figuratively to war against: – gore, push (down, -ing).

H7160 [(קרן qâran kaw-ran’)] A primitive root; to push or gore; used only as denominative from H7161, to shoot out horns; figuratively rays: – have horns, shine.

Jas 3:8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.

The devil, has other weapons, such as “Guns and Stun Guns” and also “Medical Equipment” that he uses. The man who is the devil “Drip Shocked” my heart for about 36 hours and 40 minutes!

Members of “The Salvation Army” are “secretly” eaten alive by the devil’s! 1 Peter 5:8

Addition Above! 21st July 2020


I have suffered tremendously in the hands of the devil, however during these sufferings I learned many things, from the mouth of the devil, who, ” believing that I would not live to tell the story” freely talked, and talked, and talked, and ranted, and raved on.


The devil wanted my “Bible Studies” and other “Wealth and Property” and he, at one time said to me, “Why should I study the “” Bible!” He also said to me, among other things, “It’s a cushy existence, all you have to do, is put your hand out and people will fill it!”


Within my home, the man who is the devil, introduced himself, to me as Jehovah, and later as Jesus Christ. He told me that he is The King of Christianity,  he also said that he is The Salvation Army!


Within my “Locked & Bolted Government Property” I, an old widow, have been repeatedly bashed and beaten, flogged and bitten and raped, and abused, and belittled and humiliated, insulted, and etc, etc, etc,


To gain entry into my “Locked & Bolted Government Property” where these “Horrendous Criminal Offences” have been repeatedly committed agains’t me by The Almighty’ God’s Property, The devil. Job 12:16  The Man who is the Devil, along with other devil’s, used, what I believe to be, was, This Radio Communication System, Luke 4,5,6 that was furnished to him, I believe, by The Almighty God owner of the world that is upon this earth. Psalm 50:12 The Supreme God, who gave the devil the power to rule the world upon this earth Luke 4:5,6 This Radio Communication System, may have been given to the devil in the Garden of Eden, because without this “Radio Communication System” the devil “CANNOT” be seen or heard by human beings such as, myself, and or, Eve!


Without the prayers that I have been receiving from, and still request. from Members of the Human Race all over this earth, I would be dead, and I would have been inhumanely, and unjustly, and brutally, murdered, within the Privacy of my “Locked and Bolted Government House” and no human being would have known this truth!


I had married a man who was a member of The Salvation Army in about 1985, 0r 6, and to marry him a Salvation Army Officer, asked me to join the Salvation Army. The man I married turned out to be a man with homosexual tendencies, in other words, he wanted to engage in anal sex with me, he was also a spiteful man, so spiteful, I once went to the laundry to do some washing, however, he had taken the washing machine bowl out of the washing machine and locked it within his car.  I left the Salvation Army after about a week or two of being married to him. In later years of our marriage, he put an ultimatum before me, and he said, “It’s me, or the bible!” Well, I was not going to leave my bible studying for him! The devil in later years, turning up within my home, tried to get, extort, and bash, and beat, and rape, money, and other wealth from me, an old woman, claiming that I owed the Salvation Army tithes. I owed the Salvation Army nothing, I had left the Salvation Army shortly after I married the man who was a Salvo!

Now if the devil did this to me, a woman who had been a member of the Salvation Army for less than, i.e. a month, what is he doing to other people who are members of his churches, and who leave his churches, and who do not give him tithes, or, who do give him the amount of money that he wants them to give him in tithes.


Mass Rape, the devil, using Electronical Wires and Vibrating Devices to rape people, can tune other devils into the body of the person who is being raped, and those devils, where ever they are upon the face of this earth,  can then also feel the sexual sensations of the person who is being raped!


Women! The devil boasts to be the only man who, [his language is filthy,  his word for sex is “F”] has sex with a woman i.e. through her Cl….us! He is able to take the whole Climax out of a woman’s body through the Cl….us, and these devil’s, old men and women, can keep human sexual sensations and play with them at later dates!


Rape. Now if you will not lay still as the devils who rape the cl–oral area, and the vaginal cavity, repeatedly rape you, they beat and bash you, and in the face, and they abuse you, and say disgusting things!


In Muslim countries, that are actually, according to him, under his dominion, well, he is Allah, [he is also Buddha and the Hindu god, and god of the Sikhs!] he told me that! He can, and does, some devil’s said, remove the Cl….us, and then, devils, sexually sensationless, thousands and thousands of years old men, [who can become “ONE” with one another! John 10:30] inhabiting the women’s body, can put their unseen to human eyes private part through that area, and get about the place raping the woman, or women, and the women cannot tell anyone about it, because they obviously will not believe them, i.e. those people, cannot see, hear, or feel anything, so, the woman is obviously imaging things!


Wearing Veils! Now the devils beat me so savagely about the face, that I had to cover the bruises with liquid make up. I also used to cover the bites on my arms when going out with liquid make up! Muslim women are beaten and bashed by devils, some in human form 1 Peter 5:8 and they cut off women’s noses, and they cut out tongues, and throw acid into women’s faces, so these devils, are probably hiding faces of women, or preparing to hide the faces of women, who have been, or are being, or will be being, maltreated and abused by the devils!


Muslims, [and these people want to “Dominate the World!”]  in their thousands, have been brought into Australia, [??Obviously, by the god of the world upon this earth!??] and in the past, a Muslim women, a neighbour, became friendly with me, however, the devil,  god of the world upon this earth, when beating and bashing me, ordered me to “KEEP AWAY FROM HIS MUSLIMS!”


These devils beat men as well, and they beat men in the face, and where the cheeks of men  have been bashed and punched in, and are sunken in, these devils do not need veils to cover men’s faces, because they can cover these injuries with beards and long moustaches!


These devils also rape, and bash and beat and bite men, and the devils, well, devils talk and talk and talk, strap men’s private parts in place as they rape the men, because the men suffer this constant state of arousal that is associated with sexual excitement, and the men cannot tell any one about the devils bashing and biting and raping and abusing them, because other people cannot see, or hear the devils as they continually do this sort of thing to them.


My arms are covered in scars from bite’s,  my jaw was fractured by punching devils, I suffered head injuries, I had a bone broken in my back, I have been tripped over and knocked about by devils, and whilst suffering this ordeal, I have been calling for prayers from humans all around this earth as I have been dealing with this matter.

Devils bite & rip pieces out of human flesh, and the biting is so savage that people, including men, will actually remove their teeth from their mouths, and get about the place without teeth, to prevent the devils from “suddenly and continually” biting and ripping pieces out of their flesh and hurting them. Men cannot tell people about the devils biting and hurting them, because they are an invisible people who are talking to them within the depths of their minds, and those indwelling devils can secretly hurt the person, with their mouths (words and accusations and threats!)  and weapons, such as your sharp teeth, so the person has to keep its mouth shut, and suffer, without other human help. The veil of invisibility that covers the devils in “Sheol” is a form of Protection and Defence for the devils because they cannot be seen or heard by humans, so when devils hurt human’s in this manner, other human beings cannot see them or hear them, because of this covering, and the humans will not believe their stories, and these devils, because of this covering, act like big men, and they gang together, and the invisible devil himself, will say things like “I’m a big man!” as he verbally abuses you, and beats and bashes and bites and rapes you, along with the help of other of his invisible thugs and crims, and male and female helpers!



Fortunately, my father Born abt. 1895 had a diploma in nursing, and he, who had worked in a Mental Institution,  amongst Mental Patients, some who had been declared Criminally Insane by the courts, had taught me many things, and my mother had done some sort of nursing, and she taught me things, and I had been married to a Police Officer, so I learned lots from him, and I used to educate myself by reading about Law, Prisons, and the Judicial System, and the administering of judgments upon people, and I learned a lot about Medical Treatments, such as that used to subdue Lunatics, and my late husband had a bad heart, so I read, and learned a lot about heart ailments and how heart patients were treated, and how they had to care for themselves,  [Devil’s (who carry weapons such as, stun guns!) administer “Electric Shocks” to the head, and to human heart, and they also Drip Shock the heart! (The devil Drip Shocked my heart for 36 hours and 40 minutes!) Sometimes devils will shoot a person in the back of the head, stunning the person, and then, the devils will rape the person!] and I had been studying the bible for over 33 years when the devil came in, in 2008, and in the past I had learned things about devils, so, I was now in a state of existence with the devil within my body, where I had to put this knowledge in to practice to deal with this Dangerous Situation!


Devils call you filthy names, and they also call the Almighty God and his Son those filthy names, names such as  C..ts!”


SceneoftheCrime! Trespassing! .A.


SceneoftheCrime!..Trespassing! …December 12th 1994

Added 28th June 2020

I live in a Government house, and the above room is my bedroom, and sometimes, the Government repaints the interior of Government Houses, and the Government sends a letter to you, and informs you that it is going to repaint your house at a particular time.

Now in the past, I have painted walls, and ceilings, and furniture, and my pushbike, and other things, and I have actually painted the inside of this house over the years about three times, so in the past, especially since I have been getting older, when I have received the message from the Government that they are going to paint, because this room is my personal bedroom, I have gone out, and purchased paint, and painted the room my self to avoid having to move furnishings out of the room, and into another room, and also to avoid, having men within this room!

Now the Almighty God, reads minds, and so too does his Son, The Word of God, and the eyes of the Almighty God are in every place beholding the evil and the good, and there is no speech nor language where there voice in not heard. And he, the Almighty God knew, that my house was a Government House, and he knew, that it was always “Locked and Bolted” and he knew, that I did not want men hanging around me, or the house, and he knew that I was not encouraging any men to hang around me, or the house, and he knew, that I did not want have sex with anyone, and he knew that I did want men in my bedroom, and he knew that I had absolutely “No Desire” whatsoever to be involved with the devil! And yet all of the sufferings that I have been going through within, and on the Property, of this Locked and Bolted Government House, commenced when The Almighty God’s Property, the devil, his murdering, and lying dog, “UNLAWFULLY” entered into, and “TRESSPASSED” within, my Locked and Bolted Government Property.

Now in 2008, the devil, being in “the above, my, illustrated bedroom,” where he, the devil was setting me up with Camera’s and Recording Devices, he the Almighty God’s Property, the devil, a man he call’s a dog, and dung god, actually gained entry into my body, and then this False Prophet actually gained access to my Personal [I studied the bible at home for years and years under the tuition of the Holy Ghost! 1 Jn 2:27 Jn 14:26 Jn 6:27] Bible Studies. And that has offended me tremendously, because I used to study the Almighty God’s word every day, and I made my own i.e. Bread & Wine! i.e. Supernatural Food, and now, the devil and his demons’ are feeding on it, and me, and they are actually touching my private parts, and the Almighty God knew, that I had absolutely ” No Desire” whatsoever to be involved with the devil, and he knew, that I did not want to have sex with anyone.

Now in this 2008 episode with the devil, I was walking extremely narrow, because I had, had a gut full of the episode I had been through with the devil being in my house in 1994! And I was walking so narrow, that I had turned a scripture around, and I was living by “Don’t do to other people the things that you do not want them to do to you” and I was doing this to see that I did not do anything, and so that the devil could not get his hands on me again. And during the 1994 episode, I believe that the Almighty God, shot me in the head, and gave me a stroke, and then he afflicted me with insanity for 7 years [and the devil’s, who are allowed to torture [speak into] human minds at times, actually committed what I believe to be, were offences in that judgment that was executed upon me!] and on top of that he gave his “Sexually Sensationless” devils, access to my Sexual Sensations, and he let them “Touch and Feel” my private part for 24 hours a day, for about 7 years!

Now I believe that the Almighty God, and also his Son, and also this devil, god of the world upon this earth, have executed judgments on me. Now the Almighty God, and his Son, The Word of God and The devil “Could Not”  touch me, because I was within my Locked and Bolted Government House, and the only reason events took place within this “Locked and Bolted Government House” were because the Almighty God, had furnished The Devil, with  a “Radio Communication System” Luke 4;5,6 that he,  the devil “UNLAWFULLY USED” to gain “UNLAWFUL ENTRY” into my “Locked and Bolted Government House!”

Now the man who is the devil, “The Man,” “The God,” that  The Almighty God appointed thousands of years ago, to be the “Ruler and Judge” of “HIS” the Almighty God’s World, upon this earth, a man, who himself, told me, that “HE JUDGES AT ALL LEVELS OF COURTS IN THIS EARTH”  said that the Almighty God committed “Defamation of Character” against me, when he shot me in the dead!

Psa 68:21 But God shall wound the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of such an one as goeth on still in his trespasses.

Now the devil explained to me, that, in the above scripture, The Almighty God has called me his enemy, [He has committed “Defamation of Character” against me!] and he said that I was “NOT” his enemy, that he, The Almighty God was “My Enemy,” because he is the man who cast the devils into this earth, 2 Peter 2:4  and he is the man that gave him, the devil, “The Radio Communication System” that he used to gain entry into my house, and the devil said, that The Almighty God, just “LET HIM COME INTO MY HOUSE” and the devil explained, that he, [i.e. The Devil. 1 Peter 5:8] is the enemy, and not me!

Now I am Scientifically Minded,  and the devil being in my house in 1994 “Touched my Private!” Now, I did not know, that it was the devil touching my private part, I could just feel something touching my Private Part, so I investigated the matter, and the Penalty I received from The Almighty for Investigating, the matter, caused him, to execute the above judgments upon me! And yet, during my investigations of the matter, I found a long firm Supernatural Device within my Vaginal Cavity, and before my late husbands death, in May of 1994 during an exciting sexual moment, whilst we were engaging in sex, I became “aware” of a Vibrating Wire through the Clitoral Area, of my body, something was going on!

Long Firm Supernatural Device! You cannot see this thing, because I “Blue Tacked” a mirror onto the back of my toilet door, and I sat on the toilet seat as is done, when you go to the toilet, and I looked at my private part, and I could see nothing, so I moved my hand around my private part, and I could feel nothing, but, when I laid on my bed, and moved my body around, “I could feel a “Long Firm Supernatural Device within my vaginal cavity, there was something there! Something was going on! The Almighty God, did not tell me what it was that I was feeling, and he did not tell me what was going on, and the above  judgments were executed upon me, even though, I had made this: Scientific, Medical Discovery!

On another occasion, when I was laying on my bed, I was playing with my,      Camera, and I saw something in the area of the light, so I thought I might investigate the matter, and upon investigating the matter, I found, an “Antennae & Camera bearing Cable” attached to my Bedroom Light!


The Movie!   


Antennae & Camera’s in Cable attachéd to Light in Bedroom!


The Movie!  


Added 1.55am 29th June 2020

Running the Gauntlet! These devil’s who were cast out of heaven and into this earth 2 Peter 2:4 have weapons, such as guns, and they even have stun guns, and these unseen to human eyes [Invisible. See: Hades Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance tot he bible. G846] devils, shoot people with these guns, now I cannot say that they shoot people and yet I can, because these devils made me “Run The Gauntlet” while they shot at me in my home, and in a public place when I was out once,  however, while they told me to run, they said,  “Run like so and so!”  I did not run, I just put up with it, and suffered them shooting at me. Now, at times,  they fire something like needles at you, [i.e. Ephes 6:16] for example when you are hit, you feel as if you have been hit with a sharp object, that has stuck into your leg or something.

The stun gun. The devils used a stun gun, on me, and they hit me in the head, and knocked me out, and then, these “Sexually Sensationless People” rape Sexual Sensations from your body!

Port Arthur Massacre! Now Martin Bryant is the type of man that devils will eat, 1 Peter 5:8 and they may have started eating him at a young age, I don’t know that either! But I do recognize the devil when I see him. Now lets just say for example that the devils did eat Martin Bryant, well you cannot call the man a devil, or run him down to the lowest, or even lay your hands on him, and hurt him, because, he could be under some type of protection from the Lord God Almighty, or even the devil, god of the world upon this earth, and you could probably be shot by the Almighty God with his weapons, [i.e. Psa 68:21] or the devil, with his weapons, so there is nothing you, or I, can do about him if he has been eaten by the devil. And if you call him, or someone like him, who has been eaten alive by the devil, “The Devil” and start talking to the devil, then the devil can enter into your body and eat you alive, because it is an offence to communicate with the devil!

Now I was watching that Martin Bryant, on You Tube, and I noticed that he does behave like the devil, for example he behaves childishly and he laughs. Now the man who is the devil, who say’s., I’m a big man!, actually laughs when he hurts you, and he puts on acts, and he lies through his teeth, and he makes up all these stories, in his attempts to get things off you, such as “Your Bible Studies” and he said to me, on more than one occasion, in a rough, and demanding manner, “Now hand it over!” Hand what over, what he is referring to when he says “it” is, “Your Bible Studies!

Now if a man who is demon possessed by, say, the god of the whole world upon this earth has been jailed for an offence, you cannot keep him [The Devil!]  there, because what the devil can do, is leave another devil in the body of the demon possessed prisoner, and he, the devil, can then, with the use of his “Radio Communication Device” leave the body of that prisoner, and he can then tune into the body of a person running i.e. a Radio Program, or a Television Program, in China, or America, or Canada, or somewhere else on this earth, and i.e. being the god of the whole world upon this earth, he can host a Television program over there, and return to the body of the person that has been jailed, at some other time!

I cannot identify the devil, even though I recognize him in an human, because if I do, and he has “JUST” cause to be there, I can probably be put to death by the Almighty God, or the devil, for identifying him! So, there is nothing I can do about it!

I can identify him in some old picture, but if I see him around the place today, I cannot do anything about it, other than keep my mouth shut, and have nothing to do with him.

Now because the devil entered into my body, I have learned a lot about this “INVISIBLE” person, and he can actually ring you up on your telephone and bother you, and, he did ring me up on my telephone and bother me, and this is the type of thing that he did, to me, a four foot eleven and half inches tall, old woman, for example,  he said, “I’m Arnie, as in Shwartznegar, if you know what I mean!” And on another occasion he rang me up, he wanted money for something or rather, and he said to me, “When I ask you for money, you are going to give it to me!” And the “INVISIBLE” devil says, “I’m a big man!” and he beats you! And, if he’s in your body, he will walk around like some “Big Athletic” type of person, in “YOUR BODY” and you have to put up with it. And he can even “Stick his middle finger up”, using your fingers, and he “LOVES”  doing that, and he can even SWEAR OUT OF YOUR OWN MOUTH!

Now Prime Minister Howard actually introduced some form of “Gun Reform Laws” after the Port Arthur Massacre, but, behind a Veil of invisibility in this earth,” [Invisible. See: Hades Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance to the bible. G846] ] “INVISIBLE” devils are getting around the place with gun’s! And how do we know, that, in an event like a Random Shooting Spree of children in an event like The Dunblane Massacre, that ‘INVISIBLE” devil’s didn’t pull out guns, and join in  “The Shooting Spree” of those school children at Dunblane  as well!

Now the Almighty God will not feed these people, and he will not love them, or let human’s love them, so what they do is make friends with humans, now they can do this supernaturally, with the use of their “Radio Communication System Luke 4:5,6 or they eat people, and getting around the place in an human body, they might befriend, an human being!

Now the “Sexually Sensationless” devil said, he is breeding people for food and for the “F!” And that is why he is eating people alive, he is looking for food, and the food he is looking for is contained within human minds, and if he can get into your body, he and his “Sexually Sensationless” devils, old men, and women, will also be after, sex!

Now the devil, wants to be “Someone” and he is, an “EXHIBITIONIST” and he, on more than one occasion put pictures of “Naked Male Erect Items” into my head, and I am not the type of person who wants to be looking at “Naked Male Erect Items,” and on one occasion he said to me, “Do you want to play with this?”

This evening, I was watching some programs on You Tube, and there was this woman, who said her father had been committing acts of incest with her at night for some years, and thinking about it, I realized, that if the devil, had eaten her father alive, well, he might commit acts of incest with her, and within his head he would justify his actions, by saying to himself, something like, “Well, I’m not her father anyway!”

Now having studied this man, I came to the conclusion that he, is a Psychiatrically Disturbed Person! In other words, he is not right in the head!


The King of All The Earth!



Cable of The Sun!



TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.43pm21stMarch2016 027

The Movie.


In my distress I called upon the LORD.



2Sa 22:7 In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: / and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry-y did / enter /into /his ears.

2Sa 22:8 Then the / earth shook and tre-embled; [trembled;] the foundations of heaven moved / and shook, for he was wroth.


In my distress I called upon the LORD.










I recognize this man as being: The Devil!


I have reason to believe, that the man “John Lamb Lyon” who painted this picture, was the father of Bertram Fraser Lyon, the man who raised my mother Amy.

My Mother!

Amy Georgina Lyon! 1915-1961


Almighty God in & through the name of your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS, Rev 19:13 -16 people from all around this earth, from various Christian Denominations, have been [hopefully!] praying for my protection, and deliverance, from the devil, [& his demon’s, & their wires and devices] for over 8 years now, that is from the 29 October 2011 to i.e. even this date, & I would like you, Almighty God, with whom nothing shall be impossible, & also, your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS Rev 19:13 -16 “to please” periodically, read (i.e. in your mind?), & or remember, those prayers” that have been prayed for me, [i.e. possibly as far back as to the fourth generation,] & or over me, & that “are” being prayed for me, or over me, & or, for others by me, and others, & I would like you Almighty God, & your only begotten Son, to please remember & “continually honour” those prayers, “here & there” “throughout each day & each night” for the remaining years, of my life, & their lives, upon the face of this earth, & I would also like “TOTALhealing, please, BECAUSE IT WAS “YOUR TRESPASSING PROPERTY” THE DEVIL/S who, using the “Radio Communication System” that “YOU” [?I believe? Psalm 24:1 Luke 4:5,6,] gave them, some thousands of years ago, to use to run “YOUR” world upon this earth, “UNLAWFULLY USED” to GAIN “UNLAWFUL ENTRY” INTO MY HOME, WHERE THEY “UNLAWFULLY” ENTERED INTO MY BODY, & OFFENDED AGAINST ME, & hurt me, &, & I would like you, Almighty God, & your only begotten Son, to Look after This Website, & other of my Websites, & Works, & Music “Please & Thank You,” and I would also like you to keep my “Phone/s, Internet, & the Computers, Working, & in “Perfect Working Order!” Please & Thank you. Noelene. 2.29pm 22nd July 2020




Prayers NEEDED!

Antennae & Camera’s found in Gigantic Cable of the Sun.


You do not have to reply to my page, & I don’t want to purchase anything. Thank You. Noelene.