Homosexuality & The Muslims & India!


Click pictures twice, to see: THE LARGER PICTURE’S!


Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.


Now the man who is the devil gained Unlawful Entry into my Locked & Bolted Government House, on the Morning of the 12th December 1994, thereafter, and again in the year of 2008, and thereafter.


Now I read about Muslims in a Muslim country on the Internet, and I saw Muslim men take an homosexual man,  and throw him off an high building, they then went down to the man, in the midst of a crowd of cheering Muslims, and I read in an article on the Internet, that what they then do, if the man is not dead, is violently kill him.


Now the devil, and there are thousands, and thousands of devil’s, both male, and female, in this earth, and these devil’s, with the use of their “Electronical Wires and Devices,”  can become  “ONE” with one another, and then, they can all get around the earth living in one body, and in that body, they can all talk to one another without anybody hearing them talking to one another, as the group, or, they can talk to one another individually, and they can all tune out of the body, and leave one devil behind within the body, and they can even instantly, one or another, or all of them tune out of the body, and they can prevent themselves within the body of the man from feeling pain!

For example the devil [who is a murderer Jn 8:44]  said to me, that he can be within the body of a man, and deliberately drive a car into  a tree, however, he, and his devils, can instantly tune out of the body of the man, and not be within the car when the car crashes into the tree!


Now the devils said that the Almighty God has multiplied them in this earth, and in each nation on this earth, he has a kingdom of devils ruling that nation,  and the devils said that each person on earth has a kingdom of devils, which, as the id within them, tempts them to do evil! They stated that they are always working, and even when they are not working, they are working as themselves, in another nation, but they said that they do not know one another! However, if a devil in one nation eats an human in another nation, when they meet the devils who are i.e. within that body, they recognise themselves,  and they start telling one another what they have been doing on this earth, and what has been happening to themselves, and others, and so on. So from this you can see that there are many Lucifer’s within this earth, but the devils seem to think, that while there are many Lucifer’s ruling within this earth, there might be “ONE” main, Lucifer ruling over them!


Now these devil’s do not have Sexual Sensations, i.e. the men cannot get erection’s, in other words, these men, and women cannot get sexually excited, and because they want to be able to engage in sex, they get [tempt] people to commit sexual sins, and by doing that the people who then, commit sexual sins become their meat Deuteronomy 28:26 with Luke 8:5,12 and then these devils can, with the use of Their Electronical Wires and Devices, become “ONE” [i.e. John 10:30] with the human body, and then, Touch human private parts, with their Vibrating Wires and Devices, & Feel and Enjoy human Sexual Sensations!

Now as the devil, or devil’s, who is within the person, is eating 1 Peter 5:8 an human person and “Feels and Enjoy’s” the Sexual Sensations of that person, he “swallows, he gulps,” now when watching  some Commentators, speaking in Movies, or Documentaries or Educational Programs, I “often” see, and hear, a Commentator “gulping or swallowing,” it sounds as if the Commentator has just eaten and has swallowed, some food, or drink, however, in most cases,  he has not, he has just swallowed, or gulped down, an human Sexual Sensation. In other words, the devil is “publicly” engaging in sex, in the devil’s manner with that person, who may even “still be alive” in the devil’s snare! And “The Man” he is eating, cannot do anything about it, because that man is “A PRISONER OF THE DEVIL/S!”




Now, these devil’s, beat, and bash, and flog men, as well as women, and they can enter into your body as groups of thugs, and even as “BIG MEN!” and they beat you in the face, and because they are within your body, and because they are “ONE” [i.e. John 10:30] with you, they get control of your arms, and hands, and fists, and “THEY”  do the beating of you. Now they bash the face in, beneath the cheek bones, that are beneath they eyes, and they beat you under the chin and around the head area, and in men they cover these injuries to the face with beards and moustaches and head wear, on men, and women, and on women in Muslim countries, they may be being forced to wear their head coverings, because of injuries they have sustained to the face, and or, a going to, in the future suffer,  when their faces are beaten and or damaged by devil’s!  The devil [a Muslim man, himself, who as the devil, “JEHOVAH” in 2008, “UNLAWFULLY” stuck his nose into my business!”]  cuts off women’s noses in Muslim countries, and he did say during conversation, probably not intentionally, but I picked it up, Job 12:11 that he cuts off the noses of women, who stick their noses into other people’s business.


John Lamb Lyon [1836-1916] is the father of Bertram Fraser Lyon, [1871-1950] the man who raised my mother, and John Lamb Lyon’s father was a Christian, so John Lamb Lyon, an artist, as a child, being taken to Church, probably saw pictures and statues of Jesus Christ, and so in later years, [“Not being in full possession of the truth!”] he, a Glass Stainer, who used to put Glass Windows into Churches probably decided to put pictures of the Son of God onto his windows, however, the cunning old devil, who “IS” Jesus Christ, has probably gotten the “OLD” John Lamb Lyon, and also “bashed and beaten and flogged him about the head,” for spreading his lies within Churches, and that is probably why “Old” John Lamb Lyon ‘s face is covered with a beard.


This picture of John lamb Lyon was given to me, by a couple of people, whom I think live  over seas.




Ferguson & Urie! Now the devils bite people, and they “bit and ripped” pieces from my fingers, arms, and biceps, now John Lamb Lyon once worked with “Ferguson & Urie” and one of the “OLD” men, of Ferguson & Urie, in a picture of Ferguson & Urie on the Internet, has removed his teeth from his mouth, and that is probably because the devil’s have been biting him. People who are being bitten by the devil’s remove their [denture’s] teeth from their mouths, so that the devil’s cannot bite them. Ferguson & Urie can be found on the Google Search Engine, and if you keep searching, you will find a picture of Ferguson & Urie, they are in a standing position, and there is a man in the picture without teeth, and the man without teeth can, as a Partner in the Business, “Ferguson & Urie,” “OBVIOUSLY” afford [denture’s] teeth!


Now these devils, who are mingled amongst members of the human race in this earth, are the Hindu’s, i.e the devil is the God of the Hindu’s, and these devils are the Muslims, the devil is Allah, and they are the Christians, The devil is Jesus Christ, and these devils, who said to me, among other things, “We are the Jehovah’s”  are other people, within this earth, and these devil’s fight one another within this earth. So you have to try and work out what they are doing, and how they fight one another, within this earth for, Money, Sex, and Human Meat. Genesis 3:19 / Genesis 3:14 1 Peter 5:8 Deuteronomy 28:26 with Luke 8:5,12


Now on the Internet, I once saw truckloads of men being driven away by Muslim men, who took the men to trenches, where they mowed the men down with guns, and buried their bodies in the trenches. Now the devil explained to me that, they want the women, but they don’t want the men, [they put (invisible) devices within women!]  and they don’t want the curses of the Almighty God on the women, so they kill the men, that stops the men from committing further sins, which go onto the women, and they can then, use the women, who are producers of children.

The devil said, he will allow a man to have one of his women for a while, because he wants children, so he will let the man and the woman enjoy themselves, and engage in sex for awhile, and then, when his woman is impregnated, he wants his woman, and he wants his child, so he will cause trouble between the man and the woman to separate them, and then he wants his woman back, and, he gets his child, and if the man and the woman were committing sexual sins, he has also got the man, and then, he and his devil’s can, and for years, and years of his life, “Secretly Milk” & “Feel & Enjoy” Sexual Sensations” from that man’s body.

The devil’s can place the devil’s child into the devil’s snare, and they let the child grow up, and as the child is growing up, the devils can help raise the child by talking to the child within it’s mind, and they can even show the child pictures and movies or parts of movies within the mind of the child, as they are training up the child, in the manner that they want the child to grow!

Sexual Excitement! YOU cannot get Sexually Excited! You may have been “SECRETLY”  drained of Sexual Sensations!

Sexually Stimulating drugs! Is that a fact! Sometime after you have taken your medication, the devil’s can “TOUCH YOUR PRIVATE PARTS AND SEXUALLY EXCITE YOU,” and the-e-e-en, you believe that the drugs work, so “YOU” continue to buy them!


India. Now the devil’s want sex, and the devil’s want women, who are workers, and producers of children.  Now in India, the dowry, might be keeping Indian men away from Indian women, because they cannot afford to pay the dowry, and allowing Indian women to be prostitutes gets sin into Indian men, and women, and then, the devil’s, who eat human beings 1 Peter 5:8 can then rape and eat Indian men who defile their women with the sins associated with prostitution, and they can also eat Indian women who are defiling themselves with sin, when they commit acts of prostitution, and they can also kill and eat Indian people’s, and Members of Governments, who, in India, and other countries, “Promote and Support” this, and these, devil’s way’s of life!


The devils can eat Muslim men who kill them as men, and they will claim, that when you killed that i.e. homosexual man, or those truckloads of men, you took their Sexual Sensations away from them, so now they are going to “Feel and Enjoy YOUR Sexual Sensations,” and then they are going to kill YOU!


The devil’s like the snare’s of the devil, are invisible, and when they capture people, the people who are imprisoned in their invisible snare’s cannot tell others what is happening to them, because there are devil’s all over the place, and these prisoners of the devils recognize the man who is the devil, who can instantly tune into the body, of the person they approach for help, and say something like “OK” and  the stories these prisoners of the devil have to tell, are “too hard” to believe!


And God said, Chandeliers!

The Music.


The King of All the Earth!



The King of All the Earth!



“Praise ye the LORD.” Ps150.

Allegro by Noelene.



Psa 150:1 Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD. in his sanctuary:

Psa 150:1,6.1 Praise ye the LORD. .. Let every thing Praise God.


“Praise ye the LORD.”


TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.43pm21stMarch2016 027

The Movie!


Prayers Needed!


Reverend Charles Haydon Knapp.



Called by the Word of God 12th December 1994




Formerly Rout! Born Noelene Joy Rout 18th December 1943







Almighty God in & through the name of your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS, Rev 19:13 -16 people from all around this earth, from various Christian Denominations, have been [hopefully!] praying for my protection, and deliverance, from the devil, [& his demon’s, & their wires and devices] for over 8 years now, that is from the 29 October 2011 to i.e. even this date, & I would like you, Almighty God, with whom nothing shall be impossible, & also, your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS Rev 19:13 -16 “to please” periodically, read (i.e. in your mind?), & or remember, those prayers” that have been prayed for me, [i.e. possibly as far back as to the fourth generation,] & or over me, & that “are” being prayed for me, or over me, & or, for others by me, and others, & I would like you Almighty God, & your only begotten Son, to please remember & “continually honour” those prayers, “here & there” “throughout each day & each night” for the remaining years, of my life, & their lives, upon the face of this earth, & I would also like “TOTALhealing, please,BECAUSE IT WAS “YOUR TRESPASSING PROPERTY” THE DEVIL/S who, using the “Radio Communication System” that “YOU” [?I believe? Psalm 24:1 Luke 4:5,6,] gave them, some thousands of years ago, to use to run “YOUR” world upon this earth, “UNLAWFULLY USED” to GAIN “UNLAWFUL ENTRY” INTO MY HOME, WHERE THEY “UNLAWFULLY” ENTERED INTO MY BODY, & OFFENDED AGAINST ME, & hurt me, & I would like you, Almighty God, & your only begotten Son, to Look after This Website, & other of my Websites, & Works, & Music “Please & Thank You,” and I would also like you to keep my “Phone/s, Internet, & the Computers, Working, & in “Perfect Working Order!” Please & Thank you. Noelene. 8.59 am 14th July 2020


Prayers NEEDED!

Thank “YOU” for “YOUR” prayers please.

Antennae & Camera’s found in Gigantic Cable of the Sun.


You do not have to reply to my page, & I don’t want to purchase anything. Thank You. Noelene.