Lorraine Ohio! * Hawthorne Junior High School, Ohio * Omaha, Nebraska!* Date County, Department of Sanitation Florida! * Gainesville Florida! * Miami Coconut Grove! * California! * California State Prison, Los Angeles! * 14 States of America! * Armed Robbery! * Assault! * Rape! * Soliciting Prostitutes! * Kidnapper! * Shoplifter! * Criminal! * Prize Fighting Boxer! * St Louis County Jail! *
Lev 19:29 Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.
Pro 28:2 For the transgression of a land many are the princes thereof: but by a man of understanding and knowledge the state thereof shall be prolonged.
1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
“Sexually Sensationless” Devil’s who “Pant & Salivate” to “Feel & Enjoy” human “Sexual Sensations” are “ATTRACTED“to Prostitutes!
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)! I recognize Serial killer Samuel Little as: “AN OLDER,” Lucifer, the devil, The “Sexually Sensationless” god of the whole world that is upon the face of this earth, who “Pants & Salivate’s” to “Feel & Enjoy” human “Sexual Sensations” a man who is: “ATTRACTED” to Prostitutes, & a man, who might not like, what he finds, & “SEES” & “Feels & Enjoys” written, within the minds of, “PROSTITUTES!”
Samuel Little Serial killer!
h ttps:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Little
Serial killer Samuel Little pleads guilty to Cincinnati murders
h ttps://w ww. youtube.com/watch?v=afTCImDsGLA
One man on Trial for Cincinnati Murders! Where are all the others?
Why does the Judge have to shout? Why didn’t the man have headphones?
Where is the man going to get the money from to pay the fines!
Why does the Public have to be protected from a man like him.
Maybe the man [Samuel Little 1 Peter 5:8] and the [Sex Workers 1 Peter 5:8 Jn 8:44] women should have been protected from The Public!
Lev 19:29 Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.
Pro 28:2 For the transgression of a land many are the princes thereof: but by a man of understanding and knowledge the state thereof shall be prolonged.
“Sexually Sensationless” Devil’s who “Pant & Salivate” to “Feel & Enjoy” human “Sexual Sensations” are “ATTRACTED” to Prostitutes!
The devil [“The Accuser of The Brethren!] films “The Rapes & The Murders” & in Sheol, he has records, & he & his male and female devil’s are able to, describe & also draw images of the women who have been raped & murdered!
Do “NOT” speak to the devil’s, do “NOT” get involved with the Occult, or devil’s will be able to eat you alive! 1 Peter 5:8
The devil is the Ruler of the world upon this earth, and he has thousands and thousands of devils within this earth, who help him, to run the world that is upon this earth!
And some [spirits] devil’s are more wicked than others!
Luk 11:24 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out.
Luk 11:25 And when he cometh, he findeth it swept and garnished.
Luk 11:26 Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.
Columbine Massacre, I recognize the two young men as devil’s! 1 Peter 5:8
Scene of The Crime!
The Scene of The Crime!
The Scene of The Crime!
Indecent Exposure! & PORNOGRAPHY!
John 11:10 But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him.
Light is “THE PEN” that draws “Indecent Images” & “Pornographic Images” onto “Glossy Paper” & within “Human Minds!”
My 15 year old girl friend & I were walking along a track near a Camping Ground in which we were living in 1959, & a man, wearing swimmers approached us, and then he removed a white towel that he was holding in front of him, only to expose his erect item to us. Now that picture, that was written on my mind with “God’s Light” [Genesis 1:3 & John 11:10] has been in my head [not that I remember it!] for about 60 years, why should I have to walk through life, for about 60 years with that “Technicolour Movie” in my mind!
If “YOU” don’t mind, The Almighty God, and his Son “READ” human mind’s, and so too does the devil, “if he can get inside of you” so “YOUR” [The Offender’s!] image, [Your Identity!] and the image of your erect private part, have been written on my mind, & The Almighty God & his Son, & now, The “MURDERING” devil, have seen “YOU” [The Offender’s!] & what “YOU” [The Offender’s!] did, recorded within my mind! And “YOU” [The Offender’s!] now have a “Criminal Record” in heaven, and “also” in Sheol, the Kingdom of Devil’s!
Job 16:19 Also now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my record is on high.
Jer 17:10 I [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])] search the [Strongs H3820″MIND”] heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.
Psa 141:10 Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape.
The man who is the devil, wanted my Bible Studies, I would “NOT” and did “NOT” give the man who is the devil, my Bible Studies!
The man who is The Devil introduced himself to me as Jesus Christ, & also as others!
2Co 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
2Co 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
The devil!
The King of All the Earth!
The King of All the Earth!
TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.43pm21stMarch2016 027
..in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee.
The Holy Bible Exodus 20:24
Exo 15:3 The LORD is a man of war: [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])].
Man of War!
Copyright (C) NoeleneJoy Rout 1.44pm 9th October 2013
I – I will si-ing u-unto-o the LORD, he-e hath triumphed gloriously:
He is my stre-ength, he i-is my song.
Yehôvâh! is my salvation. “Praise God!”
Yehôvâh! Yehôvâh!
Yehôvâh! Yehôvâh!
The LORD is a man of war: “Praise God!”
Reverend Charles Haydon Knapp!
Almighty God in & through the name of your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS, Rev 19:13 -16 people from all around this earth, from various Christian Denominations, have been [hopefully! “PLEASE!”] praying for my protection, and deliverance, from the devil, [& his demon’s, & their wires and devices] for over 8 years now, that is from the 29 October 2011 to i.e. even this date, & I would like you, Almighty God, with whom nothing shall be impossible, & also, your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS Rev 19:13 -16 “to please” periodically, read (i.e. in your mind?), & or remember, those prayers” that have been prayed for me, [i.e. possibly as far back as to the fourth generation,] & or over me, & that “are” being prayed for me, or over me, & or, for others by me, and others, & I would like you Almighty God, & your only begotten Son, to please remember & “continually honour” those prayers, “here & there” “throughout each day & each night” for the remaining years, of my life, & their lives, upon the face of this earth, & I would also like “TOTAL” healing, please, BECAUSE IT WAS “YOUR TRESPASSING PROPERTY” THE DEVIL/S who, using the “Radio Communication System” that “YOU” [?I believe? Psalm 24:1 Luke 4:5,6,] gave them, some thousands of years ago, to use to run “YOUR” world upon this earth, “UNLAWFULLY USED” to GAIN UNINVITED, UNWANTED, &”UNLAWFUL ENTRY” INTO MY HOME, WHERE HE THE DEVIL “UNLAWFULLY” ENTERED INTO MY BODY, & OFFENDED AGAINST ME, & hurt me, & I would like you, Almighty God, & your only begotten Son, to Look after This Website, & other of my Websites, & Works, & Music “Please & Thank You,” and I would also like you to keep my “Phone/s, Internet, & the Computers, with their necessary updates, WorkingCableofSun&Light!, & in “Perfect Working Order!” Please & Thank you. Noelene. 11:50 pm 24th Sept 2020
Prayers NEEDED!
Thank “YOU” for “YOUR” prayers please.
Antennae & Camera’s found in Gigantic Cable of the Sun.
You do not have to reply to my page, & I don’t want to purchase anything. Thank You. Noelene.