GERMANY! * Adolph Hitler! * Adolph Eichmann! * Heinrich Himmler! * Martin Luther! * Lutheranism! * Benito Mussolini! God of gods, THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!


Click picture’s twice to see: THE LARGER PICTURE’S!

1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:


In the year of 2008, the “INVISIBLE” man, who is the devil, god of the whole world that is upon the face of this earth, Luke 4:5,6 came into my home, and life, and he, “UNLAWFULLY” entered into my body, and he, the man who is the devil, and god of the whole world that is upon the face of this earth, Luke 4:5,6 using Electronical Wires and Devices, before a “Full Length Mirror” introduced himself to me as Jehovah, and Jesus Christ, and he, some time later,  introduced himself to me as,  Adolph Hitler, and also, as others!

I recognize “Adolph Hitler” the man, in the picture above as,  the man who is the devil, god, of the whole world, that is upon the face of this earth, Luke 4:5,6 & 1 Peter 5:8


T394RK Adolf Eichmann, Otto Adolf Eichmann, Adolf Eichmann (1906?1962), German-Austrian Nazi SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer (Senior Assault Unit Leader) and one of the major organisers of the Holocaust. Head of Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA, Reich Security Central Office) Department IV B4 (Jewish affairs), who organised the deportation of Jews to the Auschwitz concentration camp in German-occupied Poland during the Holocaust. Image shot 1942. Exact date unknown.

I recognize “Adolph Eichmann” the man, in the picture above as,  the man who is the devil, god, of the whole world, that is upon the face of this earth, Luke 4:5,6 & 1 Peter 5:8



C459P6 Heinrich Himmler, 1933. Image shot 1933. Exact date unknown.

I recognize “Heinrich Himmler” the man, in the picture above as,  the man who is the devil, god, of the whole world, that is upon the face of this earth, Luke 4:5,6 & 1 Peter 5:8



I recognize “Martin Luther” the man, in the picture above as,  the man who is the devil, god, of the whole world, that is upon the face of this earth, Luke 4:5,6 & 1 Peter 5:8



The Movie!


I recognize “Benito Mussolini” the man, in the picture above as,  the man who is the devil, god, of the whole world, that is upon the face of this earth, Luke 4:5,6 & 1 Peter 5:8

The seed is the Word of God. Luke 8:11

Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

2A25YA0 A montage of pictures and newspaper headlines on Richard Ramirez (Nightstalker). Ricardo Leyva Munoz Ramirez (1960-2013) an American serial killer, rapist, and burglar.

Picture! Richard.Ramirez.Night-Stalker(C)NjRout20thOct2020


Richard Ramirez ==>  https: //en.


1992 News Interview With Serial Killer The Night Stalker Richard Ramirez

https: // www.


This man in only, the god of the whole world that is upon the face of this earth!



How precious are thy thoughts.

Psa 139:17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!

Psa 139:18 If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.


How precious are thy thoughts.
Copyright (C) Noelene Joy Rout 8.08pm 2015


I …………A…………M / I…………A…………M


Ho-ow precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God!

ho-ow great / is the sum of them! How precious .. are / thy-y thou-oughts unto me


I………..A…………M / I…………A…………M


Ho-ow precious .. are thy thoughts .. to me, .. ho-ow grea–eat is the sum /
Ho-ow precious .. are thy thoughts to me .. / ho-ow grea-eat is the sum.


I………..A…………M / I…………A…………M / I……A……M.

The Holy Bible. Psalm 139:17


How precious are thy thoughts.


The King of Germany!

This man owns the earth, and he also owns the world, that is upon the face of this earth!

Psa 24:1 A Psalm of David. The earth is Yehôvâh’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.



Street Level Camera Surveillance!



Darkness to Light!



Street Level Camera Surveillance around Your Homes!


The Movie!





The Movie!


God is light in my kitchen!


The Movie!




Sun at Front Door!



Sun at back door!


The Movie!


LOOKING at someone! Someone’s LOOKING AT YOU!

Whirling Antennae!


The Movie!

. all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee.

The Holy Bible Exodus 20:24


Exo 15:3 The LORD is a man of war: Yehôvâh is his name.

Man of War!

Copyright (C) NoeleneJoy Rout 1.44pm 9th October 2013


I – I will si-ing u-unto-o the LORD, he-e hath triumphed gloriously:

He is my stre-ength, he i-is my song.

Yehôvâh! is my salvation. “Praise God!”


Yehôvâh! Yehôvâh!

Yehôvâh! Yehôvâh!


The LORD is a man of war: “Praise God!”


God of gods, LORD God of gods, Lord God Almighty.

Music composed, played & (C) by Noelene Joy Rout

7.45pm 13th March 2014

Words put to the music evening of 13th March 2014


Psa 146:10 The LORD shall reign for e-ever,

Rev 4:8 Holy, holy, holy, The Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

Rev 15:3 Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almi [-i]ghty;

Rev 15:3 King of saints. Almi [-i]ghty, Isa 47:4 .. the LORD of hosts Ex 15:2 my God.


Rev 11:17 We give thee thanks, Almi [-i]ghty

Rev 15:3 just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. Almi [-i]ghty

Isa 47:4 Redee-eemer, Psa 83:18 most high,

Deu 10:17 .. God of gods, Jos 22:22 ..LORD God of gods,

Rev 4:8 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, /and is, and is to come.


Lord God Almighty!


“Praise ye the LORD.” Ps150.

Allegro by Noelene.



Psa 150:1 Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD. in his sanctuary:

Psa 150:1,6.1 Praise ye the LORD. .. Let every thing Praise God.


“Praise ye the LORD.”


The King of Germany!


TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.43pm21stMarch2016 027

The Movie!


John 14:5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?

John 14:6 Yêshûa‛ saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

I am the way.

Music composed, played & (C) Noelene Joy Rout

23rd May 2012 All rights reserved.

I am the way, [I am] the truth, and the life: [I am the way, the truth, and .. life: ] none can come to the Father, but by me. [I am the way, the truth,] and the life:

The Holy Bible John 14:6
I am the way.


Prayers NEEDED!

Thank “YOU” for “YOUR” prayers please.


The man who is the devil, wanted my Bible Studies! I would “NOT” and did “NOT” give the man who is the devil, my Bible Studies!

Widow would like 40 “DAY’S PRAYER” to Almighty God, through his only begotten Son, The KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS, The Word of God, for herself and for her families, for “Protection & “Deliverance” from evil, from fires, & from diseases, “Please and Thank You!” Noelene Joy Rout.

Antennae & Camera’s found in Gigantic Cable of the Sun.


You do not have to reply to my page, & I don’t want to purchase anything. Thank You. Noelene.