In the year of 2008 the devil, god of the world upon this earth, came into my “Locked and Bolted Government House” and having set me up with “Camera’s and Recording Devices,” he entered into my body, and before mirror’s he manifested himself to me as certain persons, such as Jehovah, Jesus Christ, Buddha & others, he also showed me that he was “JIMMU” and he also offered me a Ministry in India, on condition I teach my Bible Studies, to the Indian People, along with the Indian Teachings, I refused the devil’s offer!
Emperor Jimmu (????????, Jinmu-tennō) was the first legendary emperor of Japan
https :// en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Jimmu
I recognize the man in the image below as the devil, god of the world upon this earth!
In other words, people who are worshipping Buddha are worshipping the devil!
The Japanese empire and its economic conditions . e, after the estab-lishment of the monarchy by Jinmu, Shintoism was alone acknowledged ; it was then, and is still to-day, the worship of the Imperial ancestors, and notably of the goddess of the sun, Amaterasu o mi Kami. To the numberless throng of gods or Kami, which I do not propose enumerating here, the Emperors added the names of their predecessors, whom they elevated to the rank of Kami, and it is in this way that Shintoism has become the cult of the Imperial ancestors. Side by side with this there have gradually developed^ popular superstitions. There is the superstition of the fox, to whom temples are dedicated, and whom the people appease by prayer and sacrifice ; and there is many another in which the gods of wind, rain, and thunder figure. After Shintoism came Buddhism, which has supplanted the former with the people, though Shintoism has re-mained the religion of the Emperor. The people hold it in respect, and when in need go to the Shintoist temple and offer up prayers ; but they have. ÏHK BLUUHIST IMAl.K AT KAMAKLKA. To face p. 47. THE JAPANESE EMPIRE 47 adopted Buddhism because it is more suited to their intelligence and more understandable in its dogmas and ceremonies. Buddhism was introduced into Japan by Korea in the reign of Ken Mei tennô, 563 a.d. There were considerable difficulties in its installation, but, aided by the Imperial protection, it soon took root, and Japan very rapidly became Buddhist. It is the religion which at the present time is the most widely diffused. As a matter of fact, the Japanese have two religions—the cult of the Kami, the old national religion, and the worship of Buddha, imported from India by China and Korea. One constantly sees a Japanese on religious festival days offer up prayers in the two temples, one after the other. In Japan Buddhism is divided into several sects, all of which have their principal temple at Kyoto. At the period of Ota Nobunaga (1553) Kyoto was a regular stronghold .. Contributor: Reading Room 2020 / Alamy Stock Photo Image ID: 2CGGWD9
Emperor Kinmei
https : // en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Kinmei
Imperial ancestors are dead!
Ecc 9:5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
Ecc 9:6 Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.
Job 7:9 As the cloud is consumed and vanisheth away: so he that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more.
Job 7:10 He shall return no more to his house, neither shall his place know him any more.
People who worship the dead, get visited by the evil spirits who were living in those dead persons!
Goddess of the sun! The Lord God is a sun, and the Lord God is male!
Psa 84:11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
Exo 15:3 The LORD is a man of war: [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])] is his name.

2CGGWD9 . The Japanese empire and its economic conditions . e, after the estab-lishment of the monarchy by Jinmu, Shintoism was aloneacknowledged ; it was then, and is still to-day, the worshipof the Imperial ancestors, and notably of the goddess ofthe sun, Amaterasu o mi Kami. To the numberless throng of gods or Kami, which I donot propose enumerating here, the Emperors added thenames of their predecessors, whom they elevated to therank of Kami, and it is in this way that Shintoism hasbecome the cult of the Imperial ancestors. Side by side with this there have gradually developed^ popular superstitio]
The man at the top right of this picture identified himself to me as Lucifer! Lucifer is The Devil! People who worship Hindu gods are worshipping The Devil! People who worship Buddha are worshipping THE DEVIL!
I recognize the man in this picture, and also the man in both images as the man who is: THE DEVIL!
I recognize the man in the image below as the man who is THE DEVIL!
People who worship this image are worshipping The Devil!
I recognize the man in the image below, as the man who is The Devil! People who are worshipping Jesus Christ and Jehovah are worshipping The Devil!
1Jn 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
Isa 54:5 For thy Maker is thine husband; [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])] of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.
The God & King of Japan! Isaiah 54:5
Isa 54:5 For thy Maker is thine husband; [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])] of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.
The God & King of The Democratic Peoples Republic of North Korea Isaiah 54:5
The God & King of South Korea! Isaiah 54:5
The God & King of China. Isaiah 54:5
The God & King of India. Isaiah 54:5
The God & King of the whole earth. Isaiah 54:5
The LORD God is a sun.
Psa 84:11 .. The Supreme God is a sun and shield: [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])] will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
Psa 84:11 .. the LORD God is a sun / [is a sun] and shield: the LORD wi-ill give grace and [gra-ace and] glory: no good thing will he withhold from them [from them] that wa-alk uprightly. ([no good thing will he withhold from them [from them] that wa-alk uprightly.])
The God & King of the whole earth. Isaiah 54:5
Sing unto the LORD.
Copyright (C) NjRout 2.43pm3rdApril2014
Psa 149:1 Sing unto the LORD
Psa 149:1 Praise ye the LORD
Psa 148:3 Praise ye him, sun a-and moon:
Psa 148:2 Praise .. him, all his angels:
Psa 148:7 Praise the LORD
Psa 83:18 whose name .. is [([(יהוה)])] Yehôvâh.
Psa 83:18 most high ..(of)..the earth.
Psa 148:7 Praise the LORD
Psa 148:7 Praise the LORD
Sing unto the LORD.
Almighty God in & through the name of your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS, Rev 19:13 -16 people from all around this earth, from various Christian Denominations, have been [hopefully! “PLEASE!“] praying for my protection, and deliverance, from [“Job 12:16 Exodus 22:5″] “YOUR TRESPASSING & OFFENDING PROPERTY” the devil, [& his demon’s, & their wires and devices] for over 9 years now, that is from the 29 October 2011 [at which point of time, “I was Actually Dying” as a result of the Beatings, and the Bashings, and the Bitings, and the Rapes, etc, etc, that “YOUR TRESPASSING PROPERTY THE DEVILS” were committing against me! ] to i.e. even this date, & I would like you, Almighty God, with whom nothing shall be impossible, & also, your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS Rev 19:13 -16 “to please” Read (i.e. in your mind?), & remember, those prayers” that have been prayed for, & are being prayed for me, & my family, [i.e. possibly as far back as to the fourth generation,] & for others by me, and others, & I would like you Almighty God, & your only begotten Son, to please “continually honour” those prayers,”throughout each day & each night” for the remaining years, of my life, & their lives, upon the face of this earth, & I would also like “TOTAL” healing, please, BECAUSE, IT WAS [“Job 12:16 Exodus 22:5″] “YOUR TRESPASSING PROPERTY” THE DEVIL/S, who, using the “Radio Communication System” that “YOU” [?I believe? Psalm 24:1 Luke 4:5,6,] gave him/them, some thousands of years ago, to use to run “YOUR” world upon this earth, THE GOD [‘s?] OF THE WHOLE WORLD THAT IS UPON THE FACE OF THIS EARTH, “UNLAWFULLY USED“, TO GAIN “UNLAWFUL, UNINVITED, & UNWANTED, ENTRY” INTO “MY LOCKED AND BOLTED GOVERNMENT HOME“, AND THEN INTO MY BODY“, [The Temple of God, which had been studying “Your Words”, in the privacy of my home’s under the tuition of the anointing, the Holy Ghost & your Son for over 33 years! 1 Jn 2:27 John 14:26 John 6:27 ] where [“Job 12:16 Exodus 22:5″] “YOUR TRESPASSING PROPERTY THE DEVIL’S” “OFFENDED AGAINST, & HURT ME” an old widow, [“Exodus 22:22,23“] & I would like you, Almighty God, & your only begotten Son, to (as Optometrists do) Test & deal with my eyesight & Look after This Website, & other of my Websites, my passwords, & Works, & Music “Please & Thank You,” and I would also like you to keep my “Phone/s, Internet, & the Computers, with “Their Necessary Upgrades & Updates“, “WORKING” & in “Perfect Working Order!” Please & Thank You! Noelene. 11:22am 31st March 2021
Prayers NEEDED!
Widower’s “NEED PRAYER! Widow “NEEDs PRAYER” & would like, “40 DAYS ( ++ PLUS! ++ ) PRAYER” to Almighty God through his Son, for protection & deliverance from evil, fires, & diseases, for Susi, & for herself, & for her SON & DAUGHTER, & for her, The widow’s! GRAND SON’S, GRAND DAUGHTER’S, & her, The widow’s! Families, & Their Families please & Thank You!
Thank “YOU” for “YOUR” prayers please.
Antennae & Camera’s found in Gigantic Cable of the Sun.
Webpage Copyright (C) by Noelene Joy Rout 11:22am 31st March 2021
Any errors within any of my Webpages, Bibles Studies, Music, or Other Works are “Definitely Not Intentional”. Noelene Joy Rout. 11:52am 29th March 2021
You do not have to reply to my page, & I don’t want to purchase anything. Thank You. Noelene.