On the night of the 7th March 2023, I decided to film the Full Moon, and when looking at my films and photo’s I noticed “Fittings” on the sides of the moon.
Now, what I am looking for when filming the moon, are, Cables, and I am looking for Cables because, the moon is “The Lesser Chandelier!”

Moon.(C)NjRout9.46pm7thMatch2023 001

The right side of the Moon! There is a “FITTING” on the right side of the moon!
The Moon Orbits The Earth. The Moon goes up, and The Moon goes down, and The Moon is, The Lesser Chandelier!
What I am looking for are, Cables on the Moon!
When looking closely at the right side of the moon, I can see that there is a “Fitting” there, but I cannot see a Cable, however, I have found “Electronical Wires and Devices” on the right side of “The Lesser Chandelier!”

The Lesser Chandelier!
The Lesser Chandelier!
There are Black Lines on either side of this moon, and the Black Lines might be Cables, or they might be the path along which, the moon travels, as it orbits the earth. There are Cables above and Beneath this Moon, I saw them during filming!

The Lesser Chandelier, surrounded by, Electronical Wires & Devices!


Widow Needs Prayers Please.
I would like Daily Prayers over myself, my family members & also over my ex-family members for protection & deliverance from evil!
Almighty God, in & through the name of your only begotten Son, your devil came into my home, and on the night of the 6th May 2008, your devil came into my bedroom, where, without invitation from me, he entered into my body.
Now, while your “INVISIBLE” devil, has been in my body, your devil, on one occasion, as I was lying in my bed, poked his index finger into my back, and I reached my hand around and grabbed his index finger. He said, “She’s got my finger!” and I bit his index finger, which he pulled away from me!
Now in thinking about this, I realized that when “Your Devil” a “MURDERER” “INVISIBLY” manifested himself in the doorway of my dining room, and, as a Double Murdering etc, etc, man, whom I had “LEGALLY” in the past, on two occasions removed from My Property, “Not His!” “Your only begotten Son” had Legal Grounds to charge him with “TRESPASSING!” Devil’s had Legal Grounds to charge him with “TRESPASSING,” and “YOU” also, could have charged hims with “TRESPASSING” and “YOU” could have called him your enemy, and wounded him in the head, (Psalm 68:21) as he went on with his trespasses, and “YOU” should have done this, because “YOUR” devil is the “Yorkshire Ripper” [or whatever his name is!], he is also the “Mosman Granny Killer” a man who used to carry a hammer in the belt of his trousers, which he used to hit old women in the back of the head with some years ago, in Mosman.
My life was in “Extreme Danger” as this “INVISIBLE” man, “Your Property” came up behind me, as I was washing dishes in the room. this “INVISIBLE MURDERER” was not charged and removed from the property, and he ended up in my bedroom, where he entered into my body, and then he, The Pharaoh Thutmose III, was in my bed, and he being within my body, started touching my private part, and he was saying, “I can do it!” I know how to do it!” so, because he would not turn off his Electronical Device, I was placed into a situation, where we ending up having sex, and loving one another, until I woke up to the fact, that if I did not get up and walk away, from this “LOVING’ relationship, I would have been eaten alive by “YOUR DEVIL!”
The Moon!

The Moon.(C)NjRout26thFeb2023
Prayers NEEDED! Reverend Charles Haydon Knapp! Antennae & Camera’s found in Gigantic Cable of the Sun!The Moon.(C)NjRout26thFeb2023Prayers NEEDED! Reverend Charles Haydon Knapp! Antennae & Camera’s found in Gigantic Cable of the Sun!
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