On the 6th October this year, 2015, I will have been studying The Sun, with Films, and Photographs, for three years.
And by now, I have been studying the bible, for over 40 years.
I also met, and studied, and also have suffered in the hands of, the devil, and  the God of the whole world that is upon the face of this earth.
At about 9.50 am on the 12th December 1994 The WORD of God, called me, and I was drawn with “LOVE” to follow him, by this time of my life, I had been studying the bible for 19 years, five months, and about three weeks.


Any errors, within any of my Bible Studies, or other works, are, “DEFINITELY NOT INTENTIONAL.”  Noelene Joy Rout. 10.31pm 7th August 2015


Click pictures twice to see, THE LARGER PICTURES.

In 2012, having studied the Words of the LORD God Almighty, under the tuition of the Holy Ghost of God, John 14:26 in the privacy of my home, by then, for over 37 years, and having learned in the bible, that the earth is [turning upside down. Isa. 24:1] whirling Psalm 90:2 and taking spiral steps through space around the sun, I decided, because of the changing positions of the sun around my house each year, to study, the orbit of the earth around the sun, and because I was upon the earth, I could not film the earth, so I decided to study the movements of the sun around my house, with movies and photographs, and in so doing, I found a Giant White Line.


I then decided, to study this Giant White Line, and in so doing, I found “Massive Cables” attached to, and above, and beneath, the sun.


I then decided to study these “Massive Cables of the Sun” and in so doing I found Antennae and Camera’s, within these “Massive Cables” of The Sun, that The LORD God Almighty is using, to “see and hear” “everything” that is going on within this earth.


During my studies, I also found other information. Noelene Joy Rout.


Throughout these my studies of the Sun, the devil, god of the whole world that is upon the face of this earth, fought against me, and he even accessed my personal computer, and interfered with pictures of clouds, and he, being able to enter into human bodies, got neighbourhood noises into some of my movies here, and there, as well. Noelene Joy Rout.


The Giant White Line.







BondiBeach(C)NjRout3.46pm24thNov2013 061 GiantWhiteLine.



TheGiantWhiteLine.SunMarch(C)NjRout12.08pm29thMarch2014 009CablesofSun..

CablesofTheSun.1.SunMarch(C)NjRout12.08pm29thMarch2014 009CablesofSun.



CablesofTheSun.1.SunMarch(C)NjRout12.08pm29thMarch2014 009CablesofSun.


CablesofTheSun.2.SunMarch(C)NjRout12.08pm29thMarch2014 009CablesofSun..JPG


CablesofTheSun.2.SunMarch(C)NjRout12.08pm29thMarch2014 009CablesofSun.


CablesofTheSun.3.SunMarch(C)NjRout12.08pm29thMarch2014 009CablesofSun..JPG



CablesofTheSun.3.SunMarch(C)NjRout12.08pm29thMarch2014 009CablesofSun.


CablesofTheSun.4.SunMarch(C)NjRout12.08pm29thMarch2014 008CablesAnteenae&Cameras.JPG



CablesofTheSun.4.SunMarch(C)NjRout12.08pm29thMarch2014 008CablesAnteenae&Cameras


SunMarch(C)NjRout12.08pm29thMarch2014 009 CablesofSun.



Bible&StrongsConcordance. (C) NjRout21stMay2014.Small



NEEDED LONG TERM REPEATED prayers prayed over me “here & there” THROUGHOUT EACH DAY, to The LORD God Almighty, in & through the name of, The Word of God, The anointed Messiah, The KING of KINGS, LORD of LORDS, The Great High Priest, That Great Shepherd of the sheep, The only begotten Son of The LORD God Almighty, for, every sin that I have ever committed, am committing, and or ever commit until the Son of God comes and receives me, and takes me out of my body, to be forgiven, for the devil to be asked by The Lord God Almighty, to stop asking me, and also pressuring me, to give him my Bible Studies, for the wires, & devices, to be permanently removed, for [TOTAL] healing, strength, rest, peace, sleep, safe & sound sleep, peaceful waking, & protection, & [TOTAL] deliverance, from All Muslims, & the adversary, & everyone of his demon’s, & all of their wires, and devices, for myself, a 71 year old widow Isa 1:17 At All Times, Please, & Thank You. Noelene Joy Rout 9.46pm 7th August 2015



  1. May well seem to be a whole lot until you are in the placement that I am. Your blog alerted me to imagining that I had previously missed. Thanks so much.

  2. Can I ask you to expand this? Could you give another example? many thanks 🙂

  3. Aren’t you gonna want to expand on that? :p

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