Sticky Clods.

Earth Science. Biblical.
I AM THAT I AM loves me. John 3:16

Sticky Clods.
A little bible study.

Copyright (C) by Noelene Rout 10th March 2007
All rights reserved worldwide.

Hebrew words used within this page can be found in Bible Concordances.

What is the bible?
The bible is a lot of books that have been joined together to make one book. The bible is God’s word.

What is a bible concordance.
A bible concordance is a book that has Hebrew and Greek meanings for words that are used in the bible.

This is a little bible study about sticky clods.

What is sticky?
Get some sticky tape and cut a piece off, now stick it on your nose and look into the mirror, that is sticky!
Sticky things stick on things. Sticky things get stuck on you. Sticky things are mixed with glue.

What is a clod?
A clod is a lump of earth.

Verses from the bible are called scriptures. Below is a scripture from the bible.
38 When the dust groweth into hardness, and the clods cleave fast together? Job 38:38

Below is the same scripture again, but this time the scripture is in blue writing, and there are a couple of red words. The blue words are the scripture, and the words in [brackets] are the Hebrew words for the red word.
38 When the dust groweth into hardness, and the [ pile together, a lump of clay, (soft) clod.] clods [dabaq..(to) cleave, (make, cause to,) cleave, cleave (fast together), cling or adhere, (to cause, to make) to adhere, (to be made to) adhere (to), be joined (together), (to) be (firmly) joined together, (cause to) stick, pursue hard, follow hard (after), follow close, overtake, take, to catch by pursuit, to impinge, (to) abide fast, keep (self, fast.] cleave fast together? Job 38:38

This is a way you can look at this first part of this scripture.
and the to pile together, a lump of clay, (soft) clod. clods
and the to pile together..and the a lump of clay..and the clod..and the soft clod.

Putting it together.
And the (soft) lump (pile) of clay. And the lump of clay..And the pile of clay..And the soft lump of clay..And the soft pile of clay.

Looking at the next part of the scripture.
and the clods (to) cleave, (make, cause to,) cleave, cleave (fast together), cling or adhere, (to cause, to make) to adhere, (to be made to) adhere (to), be joined (together), (to) be (firmly) joined together, (cause to) stick, pursue hard, follow hard (after), follow close, overtake, take, to catch by pursuit, to impinge, (to) abide fast, keep (self, fast).] fast together?

This is a way you can look at this next part of the scripture.
and the clods to cleave fast together..and the clods cleave fast together..and the clods make cleave fast together. and the clods cause to cleave fast together..and the clods cleave..and the clods cleave fast together..and the clods cling or adhere..and the clods to cause to adhere..and the clods to make to adhere..and the clods to be made to adhere..and the clods to be made to adhere to..and the clods adhere..and the clods adhere to..and the clods be joined..and the clods be joined together..and the clods be firmly joined together..and the clods cause to stick..and the clods stick..and the clods pursue hard..and the clods follow hard..and the clods follow hard after..and the clods follow close..and the clods overtake..and the clods take..and the clods to catch by pursuit..and the clods to impinge..and the clods to abide fast..and the clods abide fast..and the clods keep self..and the clods keep fast.

To cleave, cling or adhere, be firmly joined, to catch, abide fast, keep fast, is to stick.

Putting it together.
And the clods firmly join (stick) together. And the clods join together..And the clods stick together..And the clods firmly join together..And the clods firmly stick together.

Lets put the two parts of the scripture together.
And the (soft) lump (pile) of clay firmly join (stick) together. And the soft lump of clay firmly sticks together.

What did we learn about sticky clods from this little bible study?
Clods of earth can be piled together..A lump of clay is a pile of earth..A pile of earth is a clod of earth.. Clods of earth can be soft..Soft clay can be piled together in a lump..When soft clay is piled together in a lump the clay joins (sticks) together..One pile of clay can be joined to another pile of clay..Soft clay is sticky..There is a sticky substance in clay..Sticky lumps of clay cause other sticky lumps of clay to stick together..Sticky things stick together..Sticky earth sticks to, sticky earth.

How can I soften my clay. Clay is softened by mixing it with water.

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