The Messiah. Page 83. Who captured and delivered The Messiah to Pilate? Page 2. Antennae & Camera’s at “The Back Door!”



In the beginning was the Word.

Music (C) Noelene Joy Rout 10.55pm 19th August 2013


In the beginning was the – e Word, and the Word was with God,

In the beginning was the – e Word, and the Word wa -as God,

and the Word was with God, and the Word wa -as God,


In the beginning was the – e Word, and the Word was with God,

In the beginning was the – e Word, and the Word wa -as God,

and the Word was with God, and the Word wa -as God,


In the beginning was the Word.


This Book “The Messiah” is being amended 2016 by Noelene Joy Rout.


Any errors within any of my “Bible Studies” are “Definitely Not” intentional.


Yehôshûa‛ Yehôshûa‛ said that he was The Messiah. John 4:25,26

Yehôshûa‛ Yehôshûa‛ [G5547 anointed, that’s, the Messiah,] The Messiah

[YEHôSHûA‛ YEHôSHûA‛ anointed, the Messiah] [G2424 H3091]


Who captured and delivered The Messiah to Pilate? Page 2.
Copyright (C) by Noelene Rout 12th April 2004 All Rights Reserved.
Judas one of the twelve.
Judas and a band of men and officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees.
Judas and a band of men and officers of the Jews, and their captain, who were sent by the chief priests and the Pharisees. Jn 18:3,12
Judas, one of the twelve, and a great multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and elders of the people.
Some of the chief priests, and captains of the temple, and the elders, went with the multitude to arrest The Messiah.
The high priest. Matthew 26:45-66
The high priest’s servant.
One of the high priest’s servants.
Malchus the high priests servant was one of the men or officers who came from the chief priests and the Pharisees to capture the Messiah.
Possibly the three maids who identified Peter.
Jn 18:3
The chief priests and the scribes.
All the chief priests and elders of the people
The chief priests
The chief priests, elders and all the council
The chief priests and the scribes.
The chief priests and rulers of the Jews.
The chief priests and the rulers and the people
The chief priests, and captains of the temple, and the elders.
The chief priests, the elders, and scribes and the whole council
The elders of the people and the chief priests and the scribes, and their council.
A multitude.
Multitudes of Jewish teachers.
Caiaphas and the scribes and the elders.
Annas and Caiaphas the high priest.
The Jews.
The Jewish nation and the chief priests.

Who captured and delivered The Messiah to Pilate?
Sinners, Judas, one of the twelve, and a (band) great multitude, of men and officers of the Jews, and their captain, with swords and staves, from (who were sent by) the chief priests and the (elders of the people) and the Pharisees.

One of the high priest’s servants, possibly the three maids who identified Peter, Multitudes of Jewish teachers, the high priest, Annas and Caiaphas, and all the chief priests, and the scribes, and elders (rulers) of the (people) Jews, and (all) the whole council, and captains of the temple, and the (people) Jewish nation.

One of the high priest’s servants.
Malchus the high priests servant was one of the men or officers who came from the chief priests and the Pharisees to (arrest) capture The Messiah.


The work above was put together. (C) NJR. Monday 9th May 2011                                 Amended by Noelene Joy Rout 4th February 2016


Please pray to Almighty God, for me, in and through, the name of his only begotten Son, The Word of God, & ask “THEM” to please, protect, deliver, and heal me, at all times, from evil. Isa 1:17   7.52am 4th February 2016


I am the way.

Joh 8:12 Then spake Yehôshûa‛ Yehôshûa‛ again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. Goes with i.e. John 12:49, 50 (etc..i.e. Jn 7:16..Jn 8:52 ) ..Deuteronomy 18:18,19 & Psalm 84:11

I am the way.

Music composed, played & (C)
Noelene Joy Rout

23rd May 2012 All rights reserved.

I am the way, [I am] the truth, and the life: [I am the way, the truth, and .. life: ] none can come to the Father, but by me. [I am the way, the truth,] and the life:

The Holy Bible John 14:6

I am the way.


There are “Antennae & Camera’s” in “Gigantic Cables” that are “above and beneath” THE LORD God Almighty’s “Gigantic Sun.”

Evidence! G3907 [(παρατήρησις paratērēsis par-at-ay’-ray-sis)] From G3906; inspection, that’s, ocular evidence: – observation.


Ocular Evidence! Click pictures twice to see: THE LARGER PICTURES!


CanberraSkyThisMorning!TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.13am4thFebruary2016 002

CanberraSkyThisMorning!TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.13am4thFebruary2016 002


TheGiantWhiteLine.CanberraSkiesthisMorning!TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.13am4thFebruary2016 002

TheGiantWhiteLine.CanberraSkiesthisMorning!TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.13am4thFebruary2016 002


The Sun’s at My Back Door!

GiganticCableofAmightyGod’sGiganticSun.TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.13am4thFebruary2016 002

GiganticCableofAmightyGodsGiganticSun.TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.13am4thFebruary2016 002


GiganticCableofAmightyGodsGiganticSun.2.TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.13am4thFebruary2016 002.JPG

GiganticCableofAmightyGodsGiganticSun.2.TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.13am4thFebruary2016 002


“Antennae & Camera’s” at My Back Door! “Goodness Gracious!”

CanberraSkyThisMorning!Antennae&CamerasinGiganticCableofAlmightyGodsGigantic.TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.13am4thFebruary2016 002

CanberraSkyThisMorning!Antennae&CamerasinGiganticCableofAlmightyGodsGigantic.TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.13am4thFebruary2016 002

Looking closely at this purple Cable “I Think” I can see faint images of faces, “AND” probably looking at me!


TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.13am4thFebruary2016 002

The Movie.


The Sun’s at My Back Door!

Antennae&CamerasinGiganticCableofAlmightyGodsGiganticSun.TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.13am4thFebruary2016 012


Antennae&CamerasinGiganticCableofAlmightyGodsGiganticSun.TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.13am4thFebruary2016 012

Antennae & Camera’s in Gigantic Cable of The Gigantic Sun.

TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.13am4thFebruary2016 012

The Movie.


If a man love me.

Copyright (C) NjRout 8.06pm16th June2014

Joh 14:23 .. I-if a man love me, he-e will kee-eep /my-y words: a-and my Father /will love him, and we wi-ill come/ unto him, and make our [we-e will come/ unto him, and make our ] /a-a-bode with him. [we-e will come / unto him, and make our /a-a-bode with him.]


If a man love me.


Abide in me.

Joh 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

Joh 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.


Iamthevine.1.Music composd, played, and re-copyrighted(C)NjRout2.42pm27thJan2014


Joh 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abides in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

4 Abide in me, and I in you. [and I in you.]

End Tag: and I in you. [and I in you.]

Abide in me.


If ye shall ask anything.

Music composed and (C) by NjRout 11.44am 1st October 2013


Joh 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

Joh 14:15 If ye love me, keep my laws.

Joh 14:6 .. I am the way, the truth, and life:


Heb 7:25 ..come God by the way, by the truth, and by the life:

Joh 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.


If ye shall ask anything. (C) NjRout11.44am1stOctober2013

If ye shall ask anything.



Footnote: These films were taken this morning, but I accidently put the wrong date on them!


You do not have to reply to my page, & I don’t want to purchase anything. Thank You. Noelene.



2 Responses to The Messiah. Page 83. Who captured and delivered The Messiah to Pilate? Page 2. Antennae & Camera’s at “The Back Door!”

  1. This actually addressed my problem, thanks!

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