A Man’s Enemies!
Copyright (C) by Noelene Joy Rout 27th September 2012And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.
The Holy Bible Matthew10:36
Copyright (C) by Noelene Joy Rout 27th September 2012And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.
The Holy Bible Matthew10:36
These valuable “Words of Wisdom” were spoken to the Members of the Human Race, by a man, called Jehoshua (Jesus Christ), about two thousand years ago, from the “Loving Mouth” 1 Jn 4:8 of the billions of years old, “Creator and Possessor of Heaven and Earth,” whose own Supernatural Son, Lucifer, who is known as “The Devil” rose up against his own Creator, and Father, with a third of his Father’s Supernatural male and female sons and daughters, and tried to take his Seat, and Heavenly Kingdom, away from him!Deuteronomy 18:18,19 John 1:1 John 1:14 John 12:49,50
Bow down thine ear, O Lord.
Music composed, played, & copyright (C) by Noelene Joy Rout 24th August 2012
Bow down thine ear, O Lord hear me; for I am poor and [I am] needy.
Preserve my soul; O Lord my God. Be merciful unto me.
The Lord my God is my defence, The Holy One of Israel (is) my King.
Beat down my foes before my face, and plague them [Lord] that hate me.
Bow down thine ear, O Lord hear me; for I am poor and [I am] needy.
Preserve my soul; O Lord my God. Be merciful unto me.
Bow down thine ear, O Lord hear me; for I am poor and [I am] needy.
The Holy Bible. Psalm’s 86:1,2,3 Psalm 89:18,23
Your common sense should be accepted and normal for all.|
Are you aware of the following information!
1Jn 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
God is Light in my bedroom.
Elderly woman stalked by murderer! Pornography! Thieves! Adulterer’s! THE SCENE OF THE CRIME! AUSTRALIA!
Billions & Billions of years old, LORD God Almighty found! “God is Light!” The King of AUSTRALIA! “Your Needs!” And God said,
God makes LIGHTNING!
The King of All The Earth!
SUN! THE GIGANTIC SUN! Gigantic Cables of The Sun! Gigantic Antennae & Camera’s of The Gigantic Sun! Coastal Erosion, Collapsing Mountains, & Undersea Earthquakes!
Who raised The Messiah from the dead?
Schools & Universites! * BUSHFIRE! THE SUN RAINS! * The sun pours showers of water down, & over the earth, & it’s mountains & hills!
Before the Son of God called me [on the 12th December 1994, ] to follow him, I was Spiritually blind and Spiritually dead, and I, who believed in the Son of God, lived in the world, Luke 4:5,6 2 Corinthians 4:3,4 Ephesians 2:1-5 John 15:19 and I used to call the Son of God Jesus Christ, however, after the Son of God [The Word of God Rev 19:11-16] called me, and I was drawn with love to follow him, in my studies of the bible I found that the name of the Son of God is, Yêshûa‛ G2424 .. Of Hebrew origin [H3091] H3442 [(ישׁוּע yêshûa‛ yah-shoo’-ah)] For H3091; he will save;]
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You illustrate some redundant statements.
Are you aware of the following information!
1Jn 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
God is Light in my bedroom.
Elderly woman stalked by murderer! Pornography! Thieves! Adulterer’s! THE SCENE OF THE CRIME! AUSTRALIA!
Billions & Billions of years old, LORD God Almighty found! “God is Light!” The King of AUSTRALIA! “Your Needs!” And God said,
God makes LIGHTNING!
The King of All The Earth!
SUN! THE GIGANTIC SUN! Gigantic Cables of The Sun! Gigantic Antennae & Camera’s of The Gigantic Sun! Coastal Erosion, Collapsing Mountains, & Undersea Earthquakes!
Who raised The Messiah from the dead?
Schools & Universites! * BUSHFIRE! THE SUN RAINS! * The sun pours showers of water down, & over the earth, & it’s mountains & hills!
Before the Son of God called me [on the 12th December 1994, ] to follow him, I was Spiritually blind and Spiritually dead, and I, who believed in the Son of God, lived in the world, Luke 4:5,6 2 Corinthians 4:3,4 Ephesians 2:1-5 John 15:19 and I used to call the Son of God Jesus Christ, however, after the Son of God [The Word of God Rev 19:11-16] called me, and I was drawn with love to follow him, in my studies of the bible I found that the name of the Son of God is, Yêshûa‛ G2424 .. Of Hebrew origin [H3091] H3442 [(ישׁוּע yêshûa‛ yah-shoo’-ah)] For H3091; he will save;]
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