The Messiah… Page 167 (b)

JUDGMENT! The Holy Bible. Ecclesiastes 12:14 .. Psalm 10:14

Yeshua, the anointed, prophet, Messiah, and only begotten Son of God, had a cup of suffering to drink!

What was that cup of suffering that The Messiah, and Sacrifical Lamb had to drink?


In the year of 2008, The devil wired my body. A tiny Supernatural Electronic Device, that was operated by a “Motor” and which could be moved this way, and that, was inserted into the area of my heart, and with this Electrical Device, Electrical Touches, Strokes and Shocks, which can cause sickness, and even death, were administered to my heart. The devil “Drip Shocked my heart for 36 hours and 40 minutes!” At times, the devil, brought a screen up over the bed, I could see my brain on the screen, he marked areas, and he hit them, when I stood up, I was dizzy, and I had to hold onto something to move about!

The Almighty God with his Kingdom of People being within my body, said nothing, but he was  waiting, and watching for someone, or something, however I did not know that, and eventually when the Jehovah, and or his Jesus Christ, turned into the devil and started knocking me about, and standing over me, and after the Almighty God got the information he wanted, he brought Wires and Devices out of the wall, or he made them visible, he has a Large Supernatural Movie Camera seated in the position of My Large Fridge Freezer, in the Dining Room, which is behind the mirror in my bedroom, where the Jehovah and The Jesus Christ manifested themselves to me, in the mirror, and one day he quickly brought the Camera which is behind the mirror, out into my bedroom, as I was sitting on my bed, to the left of the mirror, and on the front of his camera I saw two negative images, of two people, I believe those people were, the Jehovah, and the Jesus Christ. The Almighty God had filmed it all. He had filmed the Jehovah when he entered into my bedroom, where, before my mirror, he introduced himself to me,  saying, “I am Jehovah, my name is Jehovah, I am here to help you.”  The Almighty God had been filming for quite some time, and he had captured what was going on in my bedroom, on his Camera, he had also been filming on the other side of the wall in the Dinging Room, and he actually, sometime later, brought the camera out on that side of the wall, in the presence of, the god of the world upon this earth, and one of his helpers, who were present in the room.  The Almighty God, before my eyes, moved a screen back on the monitor of my computer, he seemed to roll something back, I saw it roll up like a blind sideways, and it sort of flapped, as it kept rolling, and when I approached my computer, it was almost as if I could climb up onto the desk, and climb through the monitor, and go outside, ..

The Almighty God, has made it known to the devil, and his demon’s, male, and female, who are still in my body, fighting me, that he is within my body, and one day, eg:,  I had been to the clothes line, and I accidently  trod on some mowed grass, that had some cat dung on it, I did not know that,  however, “He Did”, and as I was sitting at my computer, later, he lifted my leg, and showed the underside, of  the slipper, so to speak, and he said, from out of my mouth, “FILTH!”

I have had some trouble with my teeth, as I have been going through this ordeal, and The Almighty God has removed them, and what he did, was simply cut through the tooth, teeth, above the gum level, and they were then removed from my mouth, when I became aware, of the removed tooth in my mouth. The “INVISIBLE” Almighty God has used some sort of filling material over teeth, and he has removed a tooth again that way this morning. When the devil has you in his snare, and is fighting you, you cannot even go to the dentist, so The “INVISIBLE” Almighty God, became the dentist, or he has used one or more, of his “INVISIBLE” angels,  who has, or have, been dealing with these problems. When the Almighty God speaks, he has used words, whereas, when the Son of God speaks, he speaks scriptures!

Only the other morning, a scripture was spoken to me in the morning, shortly after I woke up, and the scripture was:

Psa 34:19  Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.

God shall bring every work into judgment.

Music composed, played, and Copyright (C)

by Noelene Joy Rout 2012

God shall bring every work into judgment,

God shall bring every work into judgment,

For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

God shall bring every work into judgment,

God shall bring every work into judgment,

Thou hast seen it.

Thou hast seen it.

Music composed, played, and Copyright (C)

by Noelene Joy Rout 2012

Thou hast seen it. Thou hast seen it. Thou hast seen it.

Thou hast seen it; for thou beholdest mischief and spite, to requite it with [thine own] hand:

mischief and spite, to requite it with [thine own] hand:

Thou hast seen it. Thou hast seen it. Thou hast seen it.

requite it with [thine own] hand: requite it with [thine own] hand:

The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. The Holy Bible Proverbs 15:3

At about 9.50 am December 12th 1994 I was drawn with “Love” to follow, the only begotten Son of God, I immediately met Lucifer, the Devil, and in 2008 Lucifer, the Devil, and thousands, and thousands, of his “INVISIBLE” male, an female demons, manifested in my home, where, he, the god of the world upon this earth proceeded in an attempt to, deceive me, or win me over, with a  Jehovah, and a  Jesus Christ.

My life has not been the same, since, I was called by, the Son of God, to “Follow Him!”


I will amend this page at a later date again.!

2 Responses to The Messiah… Page 167 (b)

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