Sun’s Cable. Apparatus in Sun’s Cable. 11th Sept 2013 036


Apparatus in Sun’s Cable. [036] Pictures & Movie (C) NjRout11th September 2013


ApparatusinSun'sCable.Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun’sCable2.Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG



ApparatusinSun'sCable2.Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun’sCable3.Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun'sCable3.Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun’sCable4.Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun'sCable4.Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun’s Cable5.Sun&Cable inClouds.(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 037


ApparatusinSun's Cable5.Sun&Cable inClouds.(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 037


ApparatusinSun’sCable6.Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun'sCable6.Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun’sCable7[Camera’sintheSky!].Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun'sCable7[Camera'sintheSky!].Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun’sCable8[Camera’sintheSky!].Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun'sCable8[Camera'sintheSky!].Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun’sCable9[Camera’sintheSky!].Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun'sCable9[Camera'sintheSky!].Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun’sCable10[Camera’sintheSky!].Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun'sCable10[Camera'sintheSky!].Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun’s Cable11.Sun&Cable inClouds.(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 037


ApparatusinSun's Cable11.Sun&Cable inClouds.(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 037


ApparatusinSun’sCable12.Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


ApparatusinSun'sCable12.Sun&CableinClouds,(C)NjRout4pm11thSeptember2013 036 PNG


Apparatus in Sun’s Cable. Movie (C) NjRout11th September 2013 

The Movie.


Prayers NEEDED!

Please ask The LORD God Almighty, in & through, the name of his only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING of KINGS & LORD of LORDS, to please have mercy upon, & please forgive Chastity, & others like her, & M.Louise, the two Debbie’s, Bree, Brendon, Jeremiah, his brothers, & sisters, their father, their grandfather, & the others, & David, Nanny, Amy, & theirs, & Ahmed, Bryan, Tracy, Daniel, Imogen, the baby, & myself, for every sin that I, & that they, have ever committed, are committing, & ever commit, 1 John 1:9 until you, saving the soul, or souls of all of us, or some of us, or one of us, come & take us, or some of us, or even one of us, to your Kingdom, & please “totally heal myself, & them” & please, instantly, & “TOTALLY, & PERMANENTLY” remove the wires, & the devices, & the devils.

Noelene Joy Rout 9.13pm 7th October 2015


You are “not safe” in THE PRIVACY OF YOUR OWN LOCKED HOME, from, THE DEVIL! PlZ ask Almighty God in & through the name of His only begotten Son, The Word of God, to PROTECT & DELIVER me, an old widow, every moment, of every day, for the rest of my life, upon the face of this earth, from THE DEVIL, who USES “WIRES & DEVICES” TO TUNE INTO HUMAN BODIES, & COMMUNICATE INTO HUMAN MINDS, & TOUCH, TORMENT, HURT, & OR EVEN, KILL, PEOPLE! Hebrews 2:14


Please call out to The LORD God Almighty, through his only begotten Son, the WORD OF GOD, KING OF KINGS, and LORD OF LORDS, and ask him to please, save the soul of my son, whom I dedicated to him, many years ago, when I was about, three months pregnant.


Prayers NEEDED!


You do not have to reply to my page, & I don’t want to purchase anything. Thank You. Noelene.


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