Camera Surveillance at Bondi.
Street Level Camera Surveillance at Bondi.
HarbourBridgeOperaHouseBondiBeach(C)NjRout3.46pm24thNov2013 110StreetLevelCameraSurveillanceatBondiShops.
Street Level Camera Surveillance Bondi Shops.
Copyright (C) NjRout 3.46 pm 24th Nov 2013
See Also: Bondi Sun & Sea.
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Are you aware of the following information!
1Jn 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
God is Light in my bedroom.
Elderly woman stalked by murderer! Pornography! Thieves! Adulterer’s! THE SCENE OF THE CRIME! AUSTRALIA!
Billions & Billions of years old, LORD God Almighty found! “God is Light!” The King of AUSTRALIA! “Your Needs!” And God said,
God makes LIGHTNING!
The King of All The Earth!
SUN! THE GIGANTIC SUN! Gigantic Cables of The Sun! Gigantic Antennae & Camera’s of The Gigantic Sun! Coastal Erosion, Collapsing Mountains, & Undersea Earthquakes!
Who raised The Messiah from the dead?
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Noelene Joy Rout 25th March 2020
I’m missing something with this post. Your reasonings are on point, but conversely it’s unrealistic to rely on whatever other people might think. Please clarify some things, because I believe you’re an informative blogger and I want to see more from you!|
Are you aware of the following information!
1Jn 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
God is Light in my bedroom.
Elderly woman stalked by murderer! Pornography! Thieves! Adulterer’s! THE SCENE OF THE CRIME! AUSTRALIA!
Billions & Billions of years old, LORD God Almighty found! “God is Light!” The King of AUSTRALIA! “Your Needs!” And God said,
God makes LIGHTNING!
The King of All The Earth!
SUN! THE GIGANTIC SUN! Gigantic Cables of The Sun! Gigantic Antennae & Camera’s of The Gigantic Sun! Coastal Erosion, Collapsing Mountains, & Undersea Earthquakes!
Who raised The Messiah from the dead?
Schools & Universites! * BUSHFIRE! THE SUN RAINS! * The sun pours showers of water down, & over the earth, & it’s mountains & hills!
Before the Son of God called me [on the 12th December 1994, ] to follow him, I was Spiritually blind and Spiritually dead, and I, who believed in the Son of God, lived in the world, Luke 4:5,6 2 Corinthians 4:3,4 Ephesians 2:1-5 John 15:19 and I used to call the Son of God Jesus Christ, however, after the Son of God [The Word of God Rev 19:11-16] called me, and I was drawn with love to follow him, in my studies of the bible I found that the name of the Son of God is, Yêshûa‛ G2424 .. Of Hebrew origin [H3091] H3442 [(ישׁוּע yêshûa‛ yah-shoo’-ah)] For H3091; he will save;]
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