Wombat. Wombats. The King of all The Earth!


I AM THAT I AM loves me. John 3:16
Earth Science. Biblical.


A wombat.



Copyright (C) by Noelene Rout 17th September 2007
All rights reserved.

Scriptures used on this page are taken from the
Old King James Bible.

Hebrew words used on this page can be found in
Bible Concordances.

Numbers used on this page can be found in
The Strongs Concordance of the Bible.

You can download a Bible Concordance
in a free Bible from e-sword.net.

Milk is produced in the breast. Isaiah 66:11..Breasts swell (bulge) with milk..7699.. Animals have breasts..6646..7699..Young animals suck milk from their mother’s breasts. 7699..4711

Animals who feed their young milk from the breast are called mammals. Mammals are warm blooded animals. Regardless of how hot or cold the weather is, the temperature of a warm blooded animal’s body remains the same. Wombats are mammals.

There are three types of mammals: placentals, monotremes and marsupials.
Placentals fully grow inside of their mothers bodies.
Monotremes grow within eggs that are laid by their mothers.
Marsupials start to grow within their mother’s bodies and finish growing within their pouches.

There are two main types of marsupials, one type has six teeth at the lower front of its jaw, while the other has two. Bandicoots and quolls have six front teeth on their lower jaw, while koalas, kangaroos, possoms, and wombats have two. Wombats are marsupials. The closest marsupial relative of the wombat is the koala who lives in the Eucalyptus trees of Australia. Wombats and koalas have pouches that face towards the back.

Wombats are burrowing (ground dwelling), heavily built pouch carrying (marsupial) Australian mammals (animals) with thick brown and white hair (fur), short legs, small tails, small ears, small noses, and brown eyes, whose female’s give birth to partially grown young, and feed them with milk from their breasts as they continue to develop hidden within pouches that are attached to their bodies.

Hebrew Words.
ù?òì ù?å?òì shu^?a^l shu^?a^l shoo-awl’, shoo-awl’ From the same as 8168; jackal (as a burrower): – fox. See Strongs 7776

ù?òì sho^?al sho’-al From an unused root meaning to hollow out; the palm; by extension a handful: – handful, hollow of the hand. See Strongs 8168

ο?ρυ?σσω orusso¯ or-oos’-so Apparently a primary verb; to “burrow” in the ground, that is, dig: – dig. See Strongs 3736

φωλεο?ς pho¯leos fo-leh-os’ Of uncertain derivation; a burrow or lurking place: – hole. See Strongs 5454

çôøô?øä çôø cha?pho^r chapharpe^ra^h khaf-ore’, khaf-ar-pay-raw’ From 2658 çôø cha^phar khaw-far’ a hole; in association with 6512 ô?øä pe^ra^h, which should be one word, (second form shown from 2658; çôø cha^phar; a burrower, possibly a rat): – (a) mole. See Strongs 2661

çôø cha^phar khaw-far’ Primitive root; to (pry into, delve, explore): – paw, dig (for), search (out) (to) seek. See Strongs 2658

ô?øä pe^ra^h pay-raw’ From 6331 ô?å?ø pu^r; a hole (as broken, that is, dug): – (a) mole. Compare 2661. See Strongs 6512

ô?å?ø pu^r poor Primitive root; to crush: – break, bring to nought, utterly take. See Strongs 6331

A burrower is an animal that seeks, searches, delves breaks into the earth and crushes up soil as it digs holes in the ground with its paws.

Animals have paws. 3709..Leviticus..11:27..Lions have paws. 1 Samuel 17 37..Bears have paws. 1 Samuel 17:37..Horses paw, delve, seek, search out (dig) into the ground with their hooves in valleys. Job 39:21 [Herds of thirsty, wild, Australian horses called Brumbies, thunder as they gallop across plains, and through valleys of the Australian outback during drought, and they paw (dig) into the earth with their hooves, in search of water.]..Animals (beasts) have claws in their paws.. Daniel 7:19..2423.. 2953..and 929 with 6541 of Ezekiel 32:13..Animals dig into the ground with their clawed paws..Animals that scratch 6856 (dig) deep into the earth with their clawed paws make hollows, holes (burrows) to live in, within the ground. Matthew 8:20..Luke 9:58

The Wombat.
Copyright (C) by Noelene Rout 17th September 2007
All rights reserved.

When a female animal (wombat) is ready to mate, odours which arouse the desires of male animals (wombats) are released into the air from her urine and her droppings.

The Holy Bible.
A wild ass used to the wilderness, that snuffeth up the wind at her pleasure; in her occasion who can turn her away? all they that seek her will not weary themselves; in her month they shall find her. Jeremiah 2:24

Male wombats snuffing up the air, smell the scent of the female who is ready to mate, and exitedly, they follow the female’s smell, and upon finding her, the male wombats fight, and the weakest of the wombats forlornly, scurries away.

After wombats have mated (a male wombat has planted his seed in a female wombats body), a little joey (wombat) begins to grow (develop) inside of its mother, and when the joey is about thirty days old, its mother releases it from her body and it climbs into her pouch where it attaches itself to a teat and begins to drink her warm and fresh milk.

Wombats burrow into the earth.
Little joey’s are protected from flying dirt as they continue to grow inside of pouches that open from the back, upon their mother’s bodies.

Wombat habitat.
Wombats are found in cool areas, on southern coasts, mountains, and flat shrubby woodlands in South eastern Australia, Tasmania, South Australia, and Queensland.

Clearing of forests is destroying wombat habitat.

Trees provide food, homes and shade for birds, animals, creatures, and man. Psalm 104:12..Job 40:21,22.. Daniel 4:12,21..James 1:11..Shady trees (shadows) help to keep the earth cool..Isaiah 25:5..The shaded ground beneath forests of trees is moist with water, Exodus 7:24..and the roots of the trees help to hold the soil together, Job 8:17 and the air above the forests of trees is pure and fresh and moist, producing clouds that shower us with rain. Ezekiel 17:9..Isaiah 18:4..Joel 1:12..Genesis 2:6..The leaves of trees and also their fruits and seeds provide food for animals, birds, creatures, and man, Deuteronomy 20:19 and the leaves and fruits and seeds provide medicines for the sick. 2 Kings 20:7.. Revelation 20:2..Dead trees, leaves, fruits, and seeds, fall to the ground, where they decompose and feed the earth, Genesis 3:19 producing other trees from their seeds. Genesis 1:11,12

During hot summer months, herbivorous wombats obtain nutrients from Australian native grasses as they grind them with their teeth, in the cool of the day, in clearings at the edges of forests. Wombats also eat the roots of shrubs and trees. 4459 Psalm 58:6 The teeth of a wombat continue to grow as they are worn away when grinding grass.

Wintry Snow.
In cold alpine winters, during the warmest hours of the day, furry, energy saving, wombats leave the warmth and comfort of their burrows to dig in the snow with their claws in search of grass and leaves.
Southern hairy-nosed wombats spend about two thirds of their lives asleep, conserving water and energy.

Weighing about one gram, and about the size of a bean seed, blind, newborn joeys without any fur, climb into their mother’s pouches and attach themselves to a teat.

The joey’s remain secure within the pouches, suckling on their mother’s milk for the first three months of their lives. Growing rapidly, they open their eyes at four months, are completely covered with fur at five months, and at six months, have teeth and are no longer permanently attached to teats in their mother’s pouches where they remain. Female wombats keep their joeys safe, clean, warm, and dry within their pouches that are kept tightly closed by strong muscles at the entrance of the pouch.

Bumpy rides.
By the age of seven months playful joeys are getting too big for their mother’s pouches which drag upon the ground as they walk, and the little joeys, poke their heads out from between their mothers back legs as she feeds, and they nibble upon the grass. Seven month old joeys scamper over their mother’s bodies as they begin to spend time outside of their now, uncomfortable pouches; feeding on leaves and grasses the joeys still drink milk from their mother’s teat.

Lost Joeys.
Little lost joeys call to their mother’s with little coughs; and coughing wombat mother’s call to their joeys who come running to their sides. Female wombats warn little joeys of danger with sharp, high-pitched coughs. Male wombats have nothing to do with the raising of their young.

Joey’s stop drinking milk (are weaned from their mothers), and are too big to get inside of her pouch at about the age of one, most of the weaned joeys stay close to their mothers for protection for about another ten months. Little joeys are fully grown and become adult wombats who are able to produce their own young at about the age of two years.

Wombats dig into the ground on the sides of hills with their long front claws, and they use their back paws to push the loosened soil away. The burrow of a wombat is long, it has many entrances, and sleeping chambers which are lined with leaves, and sticks and fern. Within its burrow a wombat is protected from heat, cold, predators, and also bushfires.

Wedge tailed eagles, ferral cats and dogs, dingoes and wild Tasmanian devils prey upon wombats.

Dirty wombats.
Wombats remove dirt from their fur by scratching themselves with their claws and by rubbing themselves against trees and shrubs.

The Government of Victoria.
In Victoria, the capital city of Melbourne, wombats were once regarded by farmers as pests. Between the years of 1925 and 1965 farmers were encouraged by the Victorian Government to kill wombats. 63,000 wombats were killed between the years of 1955 and 1965.

There are three species of wombats, the southern hairy nosed wombat, the northern hairy nosed wombat and the common wombat.

Southern hairy-nosed wombats.
Southern hairy-nosed wombats have long ears, large furry noses, and fur that is silky brown and grey.
The wombats, who live together in groups in dry, flat sandy areas, build warrens by digging burrows that connect beneath the ground.

Northern hairy-nosed wombats.
The Northern hairy-nosed wombat is and endangered species. Its burrows are trampled by cattle and sheep, who also eat its native grasses, which have been infiltrated by the buffle grass weed depriving the wombat of its food. Northern hairy-nosed wombats live in Queensland, in the Epping Forrest National Park.


Alpine: Cool treeless area high in the mountains, that is covered with snow for part of the year.
Endangered: On the verge of becoming extinct.
Extinct: No longer in existance.
Feral cat: Wild abandoned cat.
Feral dog: Wild abandoned domestic dog.
Habitat: A place where animals live and breed.
Herbivore: Animals that eat plants.
Joey: A young marsupial.
Mammal: Animals who drink milk from their mother’s breasts.
Marsupial: A mammal born in the early stages of development, which continues to grow in its mother’s pouch.
Mate: The passing of seeds from a male to a female.
Predators: Animals and birds who kill and eat other animals and birds.
Teat: Pap. 7699
Weaned: No longer drinking milk from its mother’s breast.

The Holy Bible..Bible Concordances..The Internet..The Library & my little Encyclopedia.

Photo courtesy: Giftlog.


Sing unto God.

Music composed, played & copyright (C) Noelene Joy Rout

6.16pm 7th September 2013


Sing ..to the LORD, .. ye saints of his, Psa 30:4


Sing praises to his name: Psa 68:4


Sing unto God, [ye saints of his,] give thanks unto his name: Psa 68:4 Psalm 140:13


..The LORD [The LORD] Let God be magnified. Psa 40:16 Psalm 70:4


..The LORD [The LORD] Let God be magnified. Psa 40:16 Psalm 70:4


Sing unto God.


The King of all The Earth!



TheSun.(C)NjRout.7.43pm21stMarch2016 027

The Movie!


Almighty God in & through the name of your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS, Rev 19:13 -16 people from all around this earth, from various Christian Denominations, have been [“hopefully” PLEASE!] praying for my protection, & deliverance, from the devil, [& his demon’s, & their wires & devices] for over 8 years now, that is from the 29 October 2011 to i.e. even this date, & I would like you, Almighty God, with whom nothing shall be impossible, & also, your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS Rev 19:13 -16 “to pleaseperiodically, read (i.e. in your mind?), & or remember, those prayers” that have been prayed for me, [i.e. possibly as far back as to the fourth generation,] & or over me, & that “are” being prayed for me, or over me, & or, for others by me, & others, & I would like you Almighty God, & your only begotten Son, to please remember & “continually honour” those prayers, “here & there” “throughout each day & each night” for the remaining years, of my life, & their lives, upon the face of this earth, & I would also like TOTAL HEALING” please, BECAUSE IT WAS “YOUR PROPERTY” THE DEVIL/S who CAME INTO MY HOME & THEN ENTERED MY BODY, & OFFENDED AGAINST ME, & hurt me, & I would like you, Almighty God, & your only begotten Son, to, “REMOVE THE WIRES & THE DEVICES, & STOP THE DEVIL FROM TRYING TO GET MY BIBLE STUDIES FROM ME!” Zech 7:10 Matthew 12:38-40 Exodus 22:22-24 & please Look after This Website, & other of my Websites, & Works, & Music “Please & Thank You,” & I would also like you to keep my “Phone/s, Internet, & the Computers, Working, & in “Perfect Working Order!Please & Thank you. Noelene 10.28 pm 21st March 2020


Prayers NEEDED!

Antennae & Camera’s found in Gigantic Cable of the Sun.

Any errors within my pages are not intentional.



No reply required & I don’t want to purchase anything. Thank You. Noelene.

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