


GodisLightinMyBedroom.LightElectric.(C)NjRout10.22pm19thDec2016 002.Master.Bible.


Click Pictures twice to se: THE LARGER PICTURE’S.

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The Movie.






The Movie.


This is my bedroom, and I sit, and have been sitting about here, in “my bedroom,” in my “LOCKED & BOLTED” house, for many years as I study my bible, “in my bedroom!”

LightInMyBedroom.(C)NJRout11.45am9thJuly2018 007


We are “Not Allowed” to ‘TRESPASS‘ on, or within, other people’s property, “INCLUDING GOVERNMENT PROPERTY! “if we do, we can be charged with offences by the Police, by the devil, who can hurt us, and even by the Son of God, who can “execute judgments” upon us!



It is the night of the 6th May 2008, I am within my “Locked & Bolted” property, I am a 64 year old widow (Ex 22:22-24), and I  have been studying the bible for over 33 years, and at this point of time, in my life, I am living by “Don’t do to other people the things that you do not want done to you!” (Lke 6:31), and The LORD God Almighty’s property, (Job 12:16) “the devil” and god of the whole world that is upon the face of this earth, (Lke 4:5,6) whose laws “we are expected” to obey, is “NOW TRESPASSING” on, and within, my “Locked & Bolted” property, which is “A GOVERNMENT HOUSE!” and, he is inMy Bedroom” I am studying the bible,  and, he is setting me up,with mirrors, camera’s, and recording devices.

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LightInMyBedroom.(C)NJRout11.45am9thJuly2018 005

The Movie.


May 9, 2015




May 9, 2015

The Movie.


May 9, 2015

The Movie.




22nd July 2018

Minister’s of the Gospel, I had  been studying the bible for over 19 years, when, for some reason, I started hiding my bible, and one day, I even put my bible in a shoulder bag, which I carried over my shoulder when I went out with my husband, and I had even attached it to a belt around my body. I eventually stopped hiding my bible!


Some years later, I got the desire to “Single Handedly” with Faith and a Bible, and help from, The Supernatural Kingdom of  God, fight the dragon, and his third of the angels of heaven, and enter into heaven as a “VICTORIOUS” woman, fit to be the wife of, The LORD God Almighty, and I later even made a new name for my self, should I fight, and defeat, The Devil, and his angels!  “VTV” “Victoria The Victorious!”


Now the devil, the false prophet, who has churches, and ministers of his own, (2 Corinthians 11:14,15) steals The Word of God, and he will even steal The Word of God from, an “OLD Widow Woman!” And in the year of 2008, he came to, and entered into my  my house, with the intention of getting my bible studies from me! I was 64 years of age at the time, and I had been a widow, for over 13 years.

Mat 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.


Now the devil, who came into my home and life as Jehovah, and Jesus Christ, wired my body, and he asked me to “listen in” and he asked me to stop thinking, and “listen in,” It was a hard thing to do, because I could not stop my mind from thinking, however one day, I managed to stop thinking for a while, and then I heard the voice of the Jehovah, speaking to me within the depths of my mind!

This is how the man who is, the devil can get about the place, unseen to human eyes, directing, someone to do his will.

Mic 7:5 Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom.  [The devil also wires men!]


Now I trusted this man Jehovah, because I thought he was The LORD God Almighty, but this man turned out to be, “The devil!


Eventually, [The devil was in my house with other unseen to human eyes, men and women, and I did have to sleep, and, doctors generally perform operations on sleeping people! The man who is the devil, is a doctor, and so too, are his male, and female, angels!] the devil wired the private parts of my body.


HOMOSEXUALITY! The man who is the devil, did not think that I would ever escape from his clutches, so he opened his “Big Mouth” and he has got a “Big Mouth” because he is a bragger, and he talks about himself (and others!) and he can talk and talk for hours, and he will even “FORCE YOU,” at times, to listen to what he has to say, even if you do not want to listen to what he has to say, and at times, he will “NOT shut up, and he will talk, and talk, for hours!

Now the man who is the devil wants sex, he is a “sexually sensationless” man, and he told me that he has only got to get a man to have sex with a member of the same sex once, and he has got that man. (i.e. Lev 18:22 Deut 28:26 See: Lke 8:5,12)  And then what the devil does, is enter into the body of the man, and he eventually starts secretly, raping that man with his wires and devices, and he pours his hatred, and venom, directly into the mind of the man, and he also secretly bashes and bites, and beats and afflicts the man, and he even uses electrical shock’s on the body, as he proceeds to steal the man’s body, and wealth from him. The devil also uses an “unseen to human eyes” screen before the face of the man, which gives the devil power, if he so desires, to change the appearance of the man, and he can even (TRANSGENDERED PERSONS! INCLUDING BISHOPS!) make the man look like a woman!

The man who is the devil also uses rape, to get what he wants from a person, and he will rape a human body without end, as he forces you to give him what he wants! “My Bible Studies! [He “DID NOT” get them!]

The devil wired my private parts, he puts a false penis deep into the woman’s private part, it is a small device, which he can increase in size, he also has small devices within the device, that he can bring out of the device to touch here and there within the private part, and he is also able to cause the device to thrust forwards and or backwards. The device is fitted into the private part, and the devil also screws other devices that he uses within private parts. The devil also causes wires and device to vibrate within private parts, to sexually arouse the body.

The man who is the devil boasted that he is the only man [he uses the “F” Word! He likes the “F” Word!] to something or rather  the clitoris of the female. The devil fits wires and devices into the clitoris, which he causes to thrust, and vibrate!


Making himself “ONE” with the human body (i.e. Jn 10:30) the “Sexually Sensationless” devil, is able to “Feel and Enjoy” human sexual sensations. Both male and female devils are involved in these activities.

From the clitorus of the female body, the old male and female devil/s, milk out Sexual Sensations which t/he/y call/s “Sweet” “Pretty” and “Beautiful!”

Devils steal women from men!

Dying and in a state of depression, and with bruises and bites and scars and fractured bones upon, and within my body, on the 29th October 2010 I commenced calling out to Christians all around this earth to pray for me, as the devil/s continued to secretly, rape, and bite, and beat, and verbally abuse, and attack me, and old widowed woman, as he/they tried to get my bible studies and other wealth from me. I did not submit to the devil/s and I suffered, and suffered, and suffered, as I kept, and also, keep, prayers over me, and others! Please and Thank You!

The devils are an invisible to human eyes people in this earth, and the devils, even big men, get around you, and you cannot see them, and they push you around, and say things to you, (in your mind, and at times even from out of your own mouth!) as they invite you, to fight them, and they hit and punch you, and even in the face, as they beat, and stand over you, and try to get you to do what they want, and or give them what they want!

I had to fight for my Eternal Life, so I “did not” do what the devil wanted me to do, and I “would not” give the devil what he wanted me to give him, my Bible Studies and my wealth!”

The devil with his Electronical Devices can stop a person from thinking within his, or her, own mind, and he can also stop a person from communicating out of their own mouth, and the person, is then unable to ask others, or even The LORD God Almighty, for help, and if the person calls out to Jesus to help him, the devil who is Jesus Christ, and Jehovah,  at this point of time, “will not”  (i.e. 21 Egyptian Coptics beheaded!)  deliver [release his prisoners!] the person, or persons, from their sufferings!

Noelene Joy Rout 10.17am 22nd July 2018




This matter is to be spoken about, again, in the near future, in the meantime,

Almighty God in & through the name of your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS, Rev 19:13 -16 people from all around this earth, from various Christian Denominations, have been praying for my protection, and deliverance, from the devil, [and his demon’s, and their wires and devices] for over 6 years and 8 months now, that is from the 29 October 2010 to i.e. even this date, and I would like you, Almighty God, with whom nothing shall be impossible, and also, your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS Rev 19:13 -16 “to please” periodically, read (i.e. in your mind?), and or remember,” those prayers” that have been prayed for me, [i.e. possibly as far back as to the fourth generation,] & or over me, and that “are” being prayed for me, or over me, and or, for others by me, and I would like you Almighty God and your only begotten Son, to please remember & “continually honour” those prayers, “here and there” “throughout each day and each night” for the remaining years, of my life, and their lives, upon the face of this earth, and I would also like “TOTAL” healing, please, and I would like you, Almighty God , and your only begotten Son, to Look after This Website, and other of my Websites, and Works, and Music “Please and Thank You.” Noelene. 11.55pm 9th July 2018


I suffered so much at the hands of the devil, before I commenced calling for prayers, that I was actually dying, and food was rotting between my teeth, and when cleaning my teeth, I became aware that a thin film had built up upon my teeth, a film that I had to remove with the help of salt on my toothbrush!

I have sustained Spinal Injuries at the hands of the devils, I have been physically abused and hurt by the devils, their venom has been poured into me, and these Sexually Sensationless gods, put wires and devices into my private parts, and causing them to vibrate, they raped my person, and making themselves “ONE” with your body, these devils [god’s] are then able to “Feel & Enjoy” human  Sexual Sensations.


During my sufferings, the devil, god of the whole world that is upon the face of this earth, revealed to me that, he is Jehovah, he is Jesus Christ, he is Buddha, he is the Hindu God, he founded the Jehovah’s Witnesse’s & The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, he wrote the Quran, “The Muslims are his People,” he also manifested himself to me as, Thutmose-III, Buddha, Mao Zedong, and Adolph Hitler. The devil is a man who hates Jews, and it is the devil, who is preventing the Jews from speaking the name of God!


The greatest mistake Lucifer, as Jehovah, and Jesus Christ, made was to ask me for my Bible Studies. I had been called by The only begotten Son of God, THE WORD OF GOD, on the 12th of December 1994 to follow him, and he did “NOT” ask me for my Bible Studies, and, he did “NOT” manifest his image to me, he used The Word of God to communicate with me, and then, I was drawn with “LOVE” to follow him.


This man, is Jesus Christ, Lucifer, named himself Jesus Christ, a long time ago!
Lucifer, using the bible, is trying to get himself, and his angels, back into heaven, and he also uses the bible to help look after his male, and female, [gods!] angels, and his human people. Knowing that I had been called by The Word of God, Lucifer, did ask me if I would speak to The LORD God Almighty, and try to get a little place somewhere for him, and his people. As I recall, I think I said I would.


Picture obtained free from here.

h t t ps:// drawinglics. com/s/



John 16:28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.

Where is The Father?

Psa 84:11 .. [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])] The Supreme God is a sun and shield: [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])] will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

On either side of the sun, there are Electronical Wires and Devices, and probably Motors; and attached to The Sun, there are Gigantic Antennae and Camera bearing Cables.


Electronical Wires and Devices, and probably Motors, of The Sun.


PartofTopLeftMissingofTopRightMissing.(C)NjRout31stMarch2017 017.Digied.Digied.Digied.




MissingTopLeft.TheGiantWhiteLine.Gungahlin.ACT.Sun.(C)NjRout9.02am13thFeb2017 137.Digied.ThreeTimes Size 190 EnginesofTheSprayingSun.


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MissingTopLeft..(C)NjRout7.54pm13thDec2017 027 Boxed.TopMid.Size270.digie.7.AUSTRALIA!




MissingTop.(C)NjRout7.54pm13thDec2017 027 Boxed.TopLeft.1.MissingTopLeftTopMiddle.Size275.Digied.6.


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Missing 400by400 (C)NjRout7_47am23rdMarch2016-012 Resized 100 Digied.Fourteen.


Coin from The Sun!

Coin.(C)NjRout20thMay2017 012




Coin from The Sun!

Missing430by430TopLeft.Coin.(C)NjRout9.32am26thMarch2017 121..


MissingRightPiece.CablesofTheSun.SunriseSat24thFeb2018.(C)NjRout24thFeb2018 017






Cables Massive Outside of My Window at Sunrise.


The Movie.


Antennae&CamerasinSunsCable.3.Sun&Coins.(C)NjRout(C)9.58am30thMay2017 011




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July 19, 2017


July 19, 2017

The Movie.




July 19, 2017

The Movie.


The LORD is m–y strength.



Exo 15:2 The LORD is my-y strength .. / he is become / my sa-lvation: / he is my God, /and I / will exalt him / (Jn 1:12) my father is God, /

Psa 18:2 The LORD is my rock, / and my fortress, / my de-liverer; / my-y God, my strength, / in whom I will .. / in whom I will trust;


The LORD is m–y strength.


Lucifer is, These Men.

Budhha & Hindu God.


Lucifer is, This Man,


Lucifer is, This Man,



Lucifer is, This Man,





Prayers NEEDED!

Antennae & Camera’s found in Gigantic Cable of the Sun.


You do not have to reply to my page, & I don’t want to purchase anything. Thank You. Noelene.
