A Kangaroo!
Photo (C) by Noelene Rout 15.3.2008
Earth Science. Biblical.
Job 38:28..Deuteronomy 32:2
Copyright (C) by Noelene Rout 6th September 2007 All rights reserved.
Scriptures used on this page are taken from the Old King James Bible.
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Milk is produced in the breast. Isaiah 66:11..Breasts swell (bulge) with milk.. H7699. Animals have breasts..H6646. H7699. Young animals suck milk from their mother’s breasts. H7699. H4711
Animals who feed their young milk from the breast are called mammals. Mammals are warm blooded animals. Regardless of how hot or cold the weather is, the temperature of a warm blooded animal’s body remains the same. Kangaroos are mammals.
Kangaroos are furry animals that are covered with hair. Kangaroos are marsupials, they give birth to living young, and they feed their young with milk from their own breasts which are hidden within a pouch that is attached to their stomache’s.
Kangaroos live in mobs which are made up of a male, a female, and their young. The size of the mob is dependent upon the supply of food and water in the area.
Kangaroos live in the dry warmth of Australia.
Keeping cool in the Australian desert.
Kangaroos dig into the ground, and recline in cool and damp earth beneath shady trees during the hottest part of Australian days. They lick parts of their bodies with their salivated tongues to help to keep themselves cool.
Deforestation! Trees provide food, homes and shade for birds, animals, creatures, and man. Psalm 104:12..Job 40:21,22..Daniel 4:12,21..James 1:11..Shady trees (shadows) help to keep the earth cool. Isaiah 25:5 The shaded ground beneath forests of trees is moist with water, Exodus 7:24..and the roots of the trees help to hold the soil together, Job 8:17 and the air above the forests of trees is pure and fresh and moist, producing clouds that shower us with rain. Ezekiel 17:9 Isaiah 18:4 Joel 1:12 Genesis 2:6 The leaves of trees and also their fruits and seeds provide food for animals, birds, creatures, and man, Deuteronomy 20:19 and the leaves and fruits and seeds provide medicines for the sick. 2 Kings 20:7 Revelation 20:2 Dead trees, leaves, fruits, and seeds, fall to the ground and feed the earth. Genesis 3:19
Kangaroo Diet.
Kangaroos feed in the cool of the morning, evening, and the night. Kangaroos feed on wild grasses and leaves.
Kangaroos dig into the earth to find water, they obtain moisture from the foods they eat, and they drink water from rivers, creeks, streams and pools in the plains, and hills, and mountains of Australia. Some kangaroos can go without water for about two weeks.
Male kangaroos mate at about 3 years of age, the females between the ages of 20 months and 3 years.
The males leap up and kick one another with their big legs and clawed feet while balancing on their long and strong, thick tails, and they box one another with their clawed paws for the right to mate with a female. The strongest of the males wins the fight, and he snorts and chases other males away, and he follows the female for hours, and then he plants his seed in her body. And five weeks later, the female is ready to give birth.
Mother kangaroos clean the insides of their pouches with saliva from their tongues before their young kangaroos are born. When a kangaroo is born it is about 2 centimeter’s long very tiny, it is made of soft cartilage, and has no bones, it has no fur, it is deaf and blind, and it has to find its own way into its mother’s pouch by using its keen sense of smell and its strong front legs to pull itself up, through, and over her fur. When the tiny kangaroo gets itself into the pouch it attaches itself to one of its mother’s 4 teats by taking it into its mouth. The teat swells up inside of the young kangaroos mouth which helps to secure the young kangaroo safely to its mother where it feeds upon milk from her breast. It takes a young Kangaroo about 3 minutes to find its way up and into its mothers pouch. Mother kangaroos protect the baby kangaroos inside of their pouches by using muscles to keep their pouches tightly closed.
When the young Kangaroo is born its mother has an older kangaroo close at her side, this kangaroo is about 7 months old, it has just left her pouch, and it is still feeding upon her breast. The young kangaroo is called a young-at-heel.
Four month old kangaroos are called Joeys. Joeys covered with fur, ride inside of their mother’s pouches with their little heads peeping out as their mother’s leap and bound across the Australian plains. Joeys are about the size of a domestic cat.
Five month old Joeys climb out of their mothers pouches for short periods of time and hop and leap and play on the ground with their large, and strong, back legs.
At the age of about seven months Joeys who are still breast feeding leave their nests (mother’s pouches) but they remain with their mother’s until they are about 20 months old. A Joey who has left its mother’s pouch is called a young-at-heel. When a young-at-heel leaves its mother’s pouch at about the age of 7 months, the mother gives birth to another tiny kangaroo a few days later, and then she quickly mates with a male to get herself pregnant again.
When a mother kangaroo is pregnant, she usually has a young-at-heel beside her, and another Joey in her pouch.
Mother kangaroos produce different types of milk for their young Joeys and their young-at-heels who are both breastfed from teats within their mother’s pouches. Young Kangaroos stay with their mothers until they are old enough to look after themselves.
The lifespan of a kangaroo is about 20 years.
Cartilage. Tough flexible (elastic) bodily tissue. Gristle.
Fur. A mammals soft hair.
Joey. A kangaroo aged between 4 and 7 months.
Mammal. A warm blooded animal.
Marsupial. An animal like a kangaroo who carries its young in its pouch.
Mate. The placing of male seeds into a female. Genesis 4:25
Pouch. A nest on the body of a marsupial.
Teat. A place on a female’s breast where her babies suckle to get milk. 1717
Womb. A hollow place inside of a female where a baby grows. 990 Genesis 25:23
Young-at-heel. A young kangaroo who has left the pouch but is still feeding from its mother.
Animals with breasts.
H7699 [(שׁד שׁד shad shôd shad, shode)] Possibly from H7736 contracted; the breast of (a woman, an animal) as swelling H7736 bulging: – breast, pap, teat. Possibly from 7736 contracted; the breast of (a woman, an animal) as swelling 7736 bulging: – breast, pap, teat.
Any errors within my pages are not intentional.
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