I have been studying the bible for over 40 years, I put a lot of time into studying water, and The Water Cycle, but something was missing.
I could not work out what happened in the middle of liquid water turning to ice. I think, and I am sure, I did tonight! Noelene Joy Rout 10.24pm 15th September 2018
Chill. G5425 φρίσσω phrissō fris’-so Apparently a primary verb; to “bristle” or chill, that is, shudder (fear): – tremble.
Bristle. G5425 φρίσσω phrissō fris’-so Apparently a primary verb; to “bristle” or chill, that is, shudder (fear): – tremble.
Bristle. H5568 סמר sâmar saw-mar’ A primitive root; to be erect, that is, bristle as hair: – stand up, tremble.
When water is charged with [static] electricity the water [freezes] sticks together and [the breadth of the water is straitened.] becomes [ice, stone.] hard! Job 38:30 Job 37:10 Noelene Joy Rout 9.59pm 15th September 2018
There was also something else missing from “The Water Cycle” and that was, “The Spraying Sun” which I found during my studies of, The Sun!
Click picture’s twice to see: THE LARGER PICTURE’S.
SunMonday(C)NjRout8.42pm15thDec2014 004 SprayingArmsofTheSun.Large.Yehoshua.
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Antennae.Shield.Sun.(C)NjRout.6.05pm14thSept2018 031
Shield.Sun.(C)NjRout.6.05pm14thSept2018 031
I have some “GOOD NEWS,” Good News for some, and “Bad News” for others!
I think the earth is surrounded with Electronical Wires & Devices!
I was filming, & moving my camera around, & I made this discovery by accident.
Picture Number 5 of 5 pictures to the left of the Sun.
ToTheLeftofThe.Sun.(5).C)NjRout.6.05pm14thSept2018 005
Top left of the above picture.
Left.(C)NjRout.6.05pm14thSept2018 005.600by900
ElectronicalWires&DevicesofThe.Sun.(C)NjRout.6.05pm14thSept2018 005
Sun.(C)NjRout.6.05pm14thSept2018 005
The LORD God is a sun.
Psa 84:11 .. [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])] The Supreme God is a sun and shield: [([(יהוה Yehôvâh)])] will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
Psa 84:11 .. the LORD God is a sun / [is a sun] and shield: the LORD wi-ill give grace and [gra-ace and] glory: no good thing will he withhold from them [from them] that wa-alk uprightly. ([no good thing will he withhold from them [from them] that wa-alk uprightly.])
Webpage under construction!
Almighty God in & through the name of your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS, Rev 19:13 -16 people from all around this earth, from various Christian Denominations, have been praying for me now, for over 6 years, that is from the 29 October 2011 to i.e. this day, and I would like you, Almighty God, and also, your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS Rev 19:13 -16 “to please” periodically, read (i.e. in your mind?), and or remember,” those prayers” that have been prayed for me, & or over me, and that “are” being prayed for me, and or, over me, and [or, for others (especially Doreen & her family! 12th September 2018) by me, and or, by others for them, at my request.], and I would like you, and also, your only begotten Son, The Word of God, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS Rev 19:13 -16 to please “continually” honour those over” 6 years of prayers” “here and there” “throughout each day and each night” for the remaining years of my life, and “their lives” upon the face of this earth. “Please and Thank You” and I would also like, “TOTAL HEALING” and I would like you, Almighty God, and your only begotten Son, to Look after This Website, and other of my Websites, and Works, and Music Please & Thank You, Noelene. 81.15 am 16th September 2018
Prayers NEEDED!
Antennae & Camera’s found in Gigantic Cable of the Sun.
You do not have to reply to my page, & I don’t want to purchase anything. Thank You. Noelene.