Sun, A Gigantic Power Station, Water Plant, & Radio Communication & Observation Station, & Space Travelling Star, Rains Solids & Coins down, & over the Earth.


It was the Jewish son of Joseph and Mary. YeHôSHûA, [G2424 H3091] The Word of God Jn 1:1,2,14 who told the woman of Samaria that “he” was the anointed, saint, priest, King, Messiah, John 4:25,26 [G3323..G4899] and who told Jews, that he was, The Son of God, John 10:33-36 and who also told Jews, that their God, [([(יהוה)])] Yehôvâh, The LORD God Almighty, John 8:52-54..Exodus 6:3..Psalm 83:18 was his Father, and who also told us, that he and his Father were “ONE” Jn 10:30 and who also told us, that his Father gave him a commandment, what he should say and what he should speak, John 12:49.50, who told us that, The Sun, moisten, shower, rain, wash on the just and on the unjust,


Bible&StrongsConcordance. (C) NjRout21stMay2014.Small

Click pictures twice to see, THE LARGER PICTURES.


Sun Spraying.SunSetSpraying.Moon.(C)NjRout8.16pm5thDec 2014 001



Sun Spraying.SunSetSpraying.Moon.(C)NjRout8.16pm5thDec 2014 001


Sun Spraying.SunSetSpraying.Moon.(C)NjRout8.16pm5thDec 2014 001 WP.Graph.Snipped.


Sun Spraying.SunSetSpraying.Moon.(C)NjRout8.16pm5thDec 2014 001 WP.Graph.Snipped.


SunSetSpraying.Moon.(C)NjRout8.16pm5thDec2014 001 SunSpraying.










SprayingArms.SunMorn(C)NjRout10.31am14Oct2013 Wp.Graph.P.B.


SprayingArms.SunMorn(C)NjRout10.31am14Oct2013 Wp.Graph.P.B.


Sunset(C)NjRout4.55pm9thAug2014 014. TheSprayingArmsofTheSun.


Sunset(C)NjRout4.55pm9thAug2014 014. TheSprayingArmsofTheSun.


SunSpraying.1.SunsetoverKambahoftheACTNjRout7.47pm1stDecember2013 096.Pic.


SunSpraying.1.SunsetoverKambahoftheACTNjRout7.47pm1stDecember2013 096.Pic.


SunSpraying.1.SunsetoverKambahoftheACTNjRout7.47pm1stDecember2013 096.Pic.



SunSpraying.A.2.LGA.SunsetoverKambahoftheACTNjRout7.47pm1stDecember2013 096

God of gods, LORD God of gods, Lord God Almighty.

Music composed, played & (C) by Noelene Joy Rout

7.45pm 13th March 2014

Words put to the music evening of 13th March 2014


Psa 146:10 The LORD shall reign for e-ever,

Rev 4:8 Holy, holy, holy, The Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

Rev 15:3 Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almi [-i]ghty;

Rev 15:3 King of saints. Almi [-i]ghty, Isa 47:4 .. the LORD of hosts Ex 15:2 my God.


Rev 11:17 We give thee thanks, Almi [-i]ghty

Rev 15:3 just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. Almi [-i]ghty

Isa 47:4 Redee-eemer, Psa 83:18 most high,

Deu 10:17 .. God of gods, Jos 22:22 ..LORD God of gods,

Rev 4:8 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, /and is, and is to come.


Lord God Almighty.(C)NjRout7.45pm13March2014


SunSpraying.SunsetoverKambahoftheACTNjRout7.47pm1stDecember2013 096.W.P.S.1.Graph.



SunSpraying.SunsetoverKambahoftheACTNjRout7.47pm1stDecember2013 096.W.P.S.1.Graph.


SunsetoverKambahoftheACT(C)NjRout7.47pm1stDecember2013 096 Sunset. SunSpraying. ThisOne.


The Sun sprays out, & at times, with a coiling motion, solids, that look like, screws, & the bits, that are put into drills, & wedges, & bits of coins, & these solids, help to scrape, dig into, cut up, & cut, & or dig out pieces of earth. Spray from the Sun, helps to abrade, & polish the earth, & its mountains and hills.

Coin from Sun.2.(C) NjRout 10thMarch2014
Coin from Sun.2.(C) NjRout 10thMarch2014

Coin fromSun. (C) NjRout 1st June 2014.JPG Small.

Coin fromSun. (C) NjRout 1st June 2014.JPG Small.

CoinsfromSun.(C)NjRout 18th December 2012.153.Coins.Resized.

CoinsfromSun.(C)NjRout 18th December 2012.153.Coins.Resized.

SunsetsSunrises WaterLeavesSpect.Coins.(C) NJRout Dec2012 052


SunsetsSunrises WaterLeavesSpect.Coins.(C) NJRout Dec2012 052

CoinsfromtheSun.(C)NjRout20thDecember2012 125


CoinsfromtheSun.(C)NjRout20thDecember2012 125
CoinsfromSunonsurfaceBondiSea.HarbourBridgeOperaHouseBondiBeach(C)NjRout3.46pm24thNov 097

CoinsfromSunonsurfaceBondiSea.HarbourBridgeOperaHouseBondiBeach(C)NjRout3.46pm24thNov 097

Jdg 8:13 And Gideon the son of Joash returned from battle before the sun was up,


Jdg 8:13 And Gideon the son of Joash returned from battle before the [Strongs. H2775] sun was up,


Jdg 8:13 And Gideon the son of Joash returned from battle before the [H2775 .. From an unused word of descent from which other words descend meaning to scrape; the itch; also (possibly from the mediating idea of H2777) the sun: – itch, sun.] sun was up, [Scrape: H1623 to abrade,]


Jdg 8:13 And Gideon the son of Joash returned from battle before the [.. to scrape; (Scrape: H1623 to abrade,)] sun was up,

Jdg 8:13 And Gideon the son of Joash returned from battle before the [.. to scrape; (Scrape: H1623 to abrade,)] .. was up,


Tiny Streams of coins & solids that look like screws and the bits that are put into drills, & wedges, are strewn out into space within mist from the sun.



TinyCoins.3.Sun.The25Sept(C)NjRout26thSept2013 049

TinyCoins.3.Sun.The25Sept(C)NjRout26thSept2013 049
TinyCoins.14.Sun.The25Sept(C)NjRout26thSept2013 049

TinyCoins.14.Sun.The25Sept(C)NjRout26thSept2013 049
TinyCoins.9.Sun.The25Sept(C)NjRout26thSept2013 049

TinyCoins.9.Sun.The25Sept(C)NjRout26thSept2013 049
Sun.The25Sept(C)NjRout26thSept2013 049 Tiny [streams of] Coins.


Solidstrewnoutfromthesun.Sunafternoon.(C)6.32pm24thSept2013 017

Solidstrewnoutfromthesun.Sunafternoon.(C)6.32pm24thSept2013 017

Sunafternoon.(C)6.32pm24thSeptember2013 017 Coins(solids)beingstrewnintospacefromSun.








The Sun, is a Gigantic Power Station, Water Plant, & Radio Communication & Observation Station, & Space Travelling Star.

Chandelier in the firmament of heaven.

Mist & Coins being released from The Spraying Sun.
Movies Copyright (C) Noelene Joy Rout 18th May 2013


CoinsbeingreleasedfromSun.SuntheSun(C)NjRout7.45pm29thDec2013 033 Sun&Cables.T.O.


CoinsbeingreleasedfromSun.SuntheSun(C)NjRout7.45pm29thDec2013 033 Sun&Cables.T.O.


SuntheSun(C)NjRout7.45pm29thDec2013 033 Sun&Cables.T.O.


Coins&SolidsStrewnfromSun.SunEveSat(C)NjRout8.36pm9thNov2013 007 Coinsbeingreleasedintospacefromthesun.



Coins&SolidsStrewnfromSun.SunEveSat(C)NjRout8.36pm9thNov2013 007 Coins&SolidsStrewnfromSun.


Coins&SolidsStrewnfromSun.SunEveSat(C)NjRout8.36pm9thNov2013 007 Coins&SolidsStrewnfromSun.


Coins&SolidsStrewnfromSun.SunEveSat(C)NjRout8.36pm9thNov2013 007 Coins&SolidsStrewnfromSun.


SunEveSat(C)NjRout8.36pm9thNov2013 007 Coins&SolidsStrewnfromSun.



CoinbeingstrewnfromtheSun.SunEveSat(C)NjRout8.36pm9thNov2013 013 CoinbeingstrewnfromtheSun.



CoinbeingstrewnfromtheSun.SunEveSat(C)NjRout8.36pm9thNov2013 013 CoinbeingstrewnfromtheSun.


SunEveSat(C)NjRout8.36pm9thNov2013 013 CoinbeingstrewnfromtheSun.



CoinReleaseCoilingfromCoins2ndJune2013  002

CoinReleaseCoilingfromCoins2ndJune2013  002














The Sun Spraying. [Coiling Motion.]

Movie (C) NjRout 2nd June 2013


The Sun Spraying. [Coiling Motion.]

Movie (C) NjRout 2nd June 2013


The Sun Spraying. [Coiling Motion.]

Movie (C) NjRout 2nd June 2013 





The Sun Spraying. [Coiling Motion.]

Movie (C) NjRout 2nd June 2013


The Sun sprays out, & at times with a coiling motion, solids, & screws, & the bits, that are put into drills, & wedges, & bits of coins, & these solids, help to scrape, dig into, cut up, & cut, & or dig out pieces of earth. Spray from the Sun, helps to abrade, & polish the earth, & its mountains and hills.


Sun Spray with Coiling.

Sun Rays (C)NJRout 6Th 7Th Dec 2012 460






















The Rays of the Sun are Spinning.

Sun(C)NJRout8thJune2013 007


It was the Jewish son of Joseph and Mary, YeHôSHûA, [G2424 H3091] The Word of God Jn 1:1,2,14 who told the woman of Samaria that “HE” was the anointed, saint, priest, King, Messiah, John 4:25,26 [G3323..G4899] and who told Jews that he was The Son of God. John 10:33-36 and who also told Jews, that their God [([(יהוה)])] Yehôvâh, The LORD God Almighty, John 8:52-54..Exodus 6:3..Psalm 83:18 was his Father, who also told us, that, The Sun, moisten, shower, rain, wash on the just and on the unjust, .

SunSpraying.Sun the Sun (C) 1.14pm NJRout6thApril2013 038 WhiteRay.SunSprayingMist.


SunSpraying.Sun the Sun (C) 1.14pm NJRout6thApril2013 038 WhiteRay.SunSprayingMist.


Sun the Sun (C) 1.14pm NJRout6thApril2013 038 WhiteRay.SunSprayingMist.


Sun&Coins.(C)NjRout5.56pm26thJan2014 001 SprayingArmsofTheSun.



Sun&Coins.(C)NjRout5.56pm26thJan2014 001 SprayingArmsofTheSun.

Solid containing Spray from the Sun, helps to abrade, & polish the earth, & its mountains and hills.



SprayingArms.SunMorn(C)NjRout10.31am14Oct2013 Wp.Graph.P.B.



The Sun Spraying.

Sun&Coins.(C)NjRout5.56pm26thJan2014 010 The Sun.3. SunSpraying 2

Solids Possibly strewn in in Spray from The Sun.


SunSpraying.2.Sun&Coins.(C)NjRout5.56pm26thJan2014 010.SolidpossiblyfromSun..JPG



SunSpraying.Sun&Coins.(C)NjRout5.56pm26thJan2014 010.SolidpossiblyfromSun.


SunSpraying.Sun&Coins.(C)NjRout5.56pm26thJan2014 010.SolidpossiblyfromSun..

SunSpraying.3.Sun&Coins.(C)NjRout5.56pm26thJan2014 010.SolidpossiblyfromSun..JPG


SunSpraying.3.Sun&Coins.(C)NjRout5.56pm26thJan2014 010.SolidpossiblyfromSun.

While The Sun is “continually” “Spraying Mist & Solids” down and over the earth The Sun also “Consumes Clouds.”


SunPinkFan.GiantWhiteLine.SunMarch.(3)(C)NjRout11.32am3rdMarch2014 005 Sunconsumingcloud.5.Cables.Ant&Cams.

Sunconsumingcloud.Beginning&Ending.SunMarch.3.(C)NjRout11.32am3rdMarch2014 005


Sunconsumingcloud.Beginning&Ending.SunMarch.3.(C)NjRout11.32am3rdMarch2014 005

The Greater Light.

Copyright (C) Noelene Joy Rout. December 2013

Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be chandeliers in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Gen 1:15 And let them be for chandeliers in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

Gen 1:16 And God made two great chandeliers; the greater chandelier to rule the day, and the lesser chandelier to rule the night: he made the stars also.

Gen 1:17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
Gen 1:18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.


The Greater Chandelier.

SunMarch.(3)(C)NjRout11.32am3rdMarch2014 005 SunConsumingCloud.5.Cables.Ant&Cams.


During my studies of the Sun, I have suffered “some damage” to my eyes, and that is because, I did not know that the Sun is “CONTINUALLY” raining “Mist and Coins and Solids” down, and over the earth. I do, wear bifocals, but sometimes, during filming, I forgot to wear my glasses, and at those times, tiny solids, probably entered into my eyes and struck and damaged my eyeballs. I remember, on one occasion, during filming, experiencing a tiny, stinging sensation, in my right eye, at that time, I believed I had been struck in the eye, with a tiny something.



Bible&StrongsConcordance. (C) NjRout21stMay2014.Small


“NEEDED” LONG TERM REPEATED prayers prayed over me “here & there” THROUGHOUT EACH DAY, to The LORD God Almighty, in & through the name of, The Word of God, The anointed Messiah, The KING of KINGS, LORD of LORDS, The Great High Priest, That Great Shepherd of the sheep, The only begotten Son of The LORD God Almighty, for, every sin that I have ever committed, am committing, and or ever commit until the Son of God comes and receives me, and takes me out of my body, to be forgiven, for the devil to be asked by The Lord God Almighty to stop asking me, and also pressuring me, to give him my Bible Studies, for the wires & devices to be permanently removed, for [TOTAL] healing, strength, rest, peace, sleep, safe & sound sleep, peaceful waking, & protection, & [TOTAL] deliverance, from All Muslims, & the adversary, & everyone of his demon’s, & all of their wires and  devices, for myself, a 71 year old widow Isa 1:17 At All Times, Please, & Thank You.

Noelene Joy Rout 9.46pm 4th August 2015 & 4.42pm & 5.47pm 7th August 2015

All Muslims!

Muslim’s have a habit of, at times, stealing women & children, and raping certain women, and children, & committing acts of violence against, & also beheading people, and they have even been known to “Kill Muslim’s” so “ALL PEOPLE” need to protect themselves from Muslims!



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